$JELLY Release Details

The Block Investment Group
2 min readNov 6, 2023


The first Fractionalized Utility Token ($JELLY) will be releasing November 7th at 4 PM UTC on Spectrum DEX! This article will summarize the Final Release Details!

1: $JELLY Release Details

Blockchain: Cardano

Policy ID: 5c1c91a65bedac56f245b8184b5820ced3d2f1540e521dc1060fa683

LP Add Time: 4 PM UTC, November 7th

DEX: LP will be added on https://app.spectrum.fi/cardano/swap?base=token-ada (Spectrum), but you may also use https://app.dexhunter.io/

2: LP Information

There will be no sale for the $JELLY token since all $JELLY is technically circulating within Jellycube NFTs already.

The BIG will provide 300k ADA with 550k $JELLY (.55 ADA per $JELLY)

The LP will have the following Pool Fee Schedule to help combat bots, give time for users to fractionalize Jellies, and incentivize LP providers:

First 2 Hours: 20% LP Fee

Next 24 Hours (To be Confirmed): 10% LP Fee

Ongoing: 2% LP Fee (Subject to Reduction)

3: Starting Tokenomics

Total Supply: 39m $JELLY (3900 Jellycube NFT Points)

Immediate Circulating Supply: 550k $JELLY

Starting Price: .55 ADA Per $JELLY

Immediate Circulating MC: ~300k ADA

FDV: 21.5m ADA

$JELLY Fees: 100% Burn for the first month

Please note that technically ALL $JELLY Supply is locked inside Jellycube NFTs themselves meaning all $JELLY is accessible immediately. This also means that the majority of $JELLY supply will never see circulation and that the “True Circulating Supply” will be dynamic based on the fractionalized Jellycube count.

4: Final Notes

The BIG Team & Community greatly appreciate everyone that is interested in our $JELLY Token! The BIG Team believe that FUTs will be a major innovation in the Web 3.0 Space and we are excited to demonstrate this with our project Jellycubes!

If you have any additional questions make sure to check out our other articles: https://medium.com/@blockinvestmentgroup as well as join our discord where you can directly ask questions: https://discord.gg/blockinvestmentgroup



The Block Investment Group

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