Blocklicense: A new era in digital licensing and funding

3 min readSep 8, 2017


Looking back, over the past few years, the world has become even more attached in the new digital culture that grows faster than anyone could anticipate. With the rapid blooming of technology and new startups, market is driven by demand: simplicity, usability, value, and speed.

Various sources are predicting that 2017 alone, will be the year that most data will be created when compared to previous years, raising questions such as data management, security, preservation of ownership and distribution. To understand this better, one can only look deeper into the massive movement of web-driven behavior.

In 2016, more than 1.1 trillion data were generated in the world including facebook likes and posts, tweets, Instagram photos etc. From a professional standpoint, around 1.0 billion files were downloaded and paid in digital market places, including eBooks, photos, videos, GIFs, music and others. The earnings of such applications and platforms are rising so quickly, creating a trend for both resellers and creators: standardized, profit-driven market.

Up to a point, this has served a big part of the market and especially creators that longed for fast earnings and visibility, despite the fact that only a fraction of the profits were available to them and without the freedom to set their own rules on how their files were or should be used and distributed.

Thanks to BlockLicense, a project based on Ethereum smart contracts, creators will soon have a second chance: skip the “middle man” and grant themselves the full profit from their content.

BlockLicense is not only about profit, it is also about licensing. Creators are able to either choose from a pre-set of available licenses or create their own. At the same time, they can add their own data such as file name and description, contact details and their public key — address that will enable direct payments with LCN— License Coin, the BlockLicense issued token. All these will be embedded and will follow the file.

But how will that work? BlockLicense will come in many forms. Initially,

as a desktop application that will enable the licensing of a file and at the same time serve as a wallet. Secondly, creators or users can download BlockLicense for free, to either create a licensed and funding ID for their files, or to read a file and send the payment or the donation to other creators .

During 2018/2019 and according to BlockLicense roadmap, a set of widgets for popular software tools such as Adobe will be available, so that creators can ‘automatically’ license, and allow payments for their files. In a similar way, they can read files of other creators and conduct payments or donations.

Then, further tools of the BlockLicense Ecosystem will be available such as Chrome Extension and an Online Platform hat connects creators with potential buyers including the option of curated lists to be embedded in websites

Last but not least, since the file is licensed through Blocklicense, the smart contracts are stored in the Ethereum ecosystem, providing all benefits related to retrieval, validation and onwership.

In a period where hundreds of new blockchain projects are popping out daily, BlockLicense is coming to provide a transparent and fair answer for ownership and compensation.

BlockLicense is here to stay. Are you ready?

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