Peer to peer Bitcoin Invoice

Bitcoin is perfect for freelancers and contractors to receive payments in a decentralized way. We at blockonomics are introducing peer to peer bitcoin invoices to ease this process. The whole process is pretty simple . It doesn’t require any signups and you can use your own wallet address. Lets dive right in:

  • Go to blockonomics, search the bitcoin address you want to receive payment with and click on Create P2P Invoice
  • Enter invoice details and optional attachment
  • Click on Create invoice and you will get an unique invoice link which you can share with the payer. Here is a sample invoice
  • The invoice status is updated in realtime as the payment is made

Thats it, its that simple !

Invoice details are encrypted on your browser using secret key. The secret key is never sent to server, which only stores the encrypted invoice content. To check invoice status, client checks for bitcoin payments on your address after invoice timestamp. While currently there is only support for BTC, in future you can specify currency in USD which will be autoconverted to BTC for payment. Also, we are coming up with an open source chrome extension, so that it can decrypt invoice in a complete trustless way. More info can be found in our FAQ.

— Happy Invoicing !

