Peer to peer, no signups ! Invoice in fiat get paid in Bitcoin

Bitcoin wallets allow users to directly receive money using their bitcoin address. This is a great way for freelancers and contractors to accept payments internationally. However, due to volatility of bitcoin price, it is difficult to invoice a fixed bitcoin amount because the time of payment is not known. Many payment processors have come to rescue in this regard. However, these payment processors control your private keys and have record of invoice details, emailid and other personal information. Some even require KYC/AML to move your own bitcoins. This is contrary to what bitcoin stands for.

Blockonomics is introducing peer to peer bitcoin invoicing. You can invoice in fiat currency using your own bitcoin address. 22 currencies are supported, bitcoin amount to be paid is shown dynamically based on current price. Lets dive right in:

  • Goto blockonomics, search the bitcoin address you want to receive payment with and click on Create P2P Invoice
  • Enter invoice details, select currency and enter payment amount. You can also add an optional attachment.
  • Click on Create Invoice, a unique invoice link will be generated which you can share with the payer. For example, check this invoice
  • Invoice payment status is updated in real time, showing transaction that paid the invoice. Thats it, its that simple. Go try out our awesome invoices with your own bitcoin addresses !

Invoice details are encrypted on your browser using secret key. The secret key is never sent to server, which only stores the encrypted invoice content. To check invoice status, client checks for bitcoin payments on your address after invoice timestamp. Currency prices are fetched from bitcoinaverage and are updated every five minutes. More info can be found in our FAQ.

— Cheers to getting paid in Bitcoins!

