Meet the team — 5 minutes with Business Development Consultant Danette Wallace

2 min readJun 25, 2018

Where are you from and what is your work background?
I’m from California, USA. I have been working in market and business analysis in the IT/Telecom industry for the past 20 years. Now I am focusing my energies on the blockchain industry.

What is your role at Blockpass?
I am a Business Development Consultant for Blockpass

What do your daily activities look like?
My daily activities include connecting with contacts in the field via conferences, meetings, email, or phone in an effort to set up collaborations. I also write articles and give talks.

How did you get involved in Blockpass?
I was assigned to the Blockpass project when I was hired by Infinity Blockchain Labs, which is one of the joint venture partners of Blockpass.

What’s your favourite blockchain related benefit?
My favorite blockchain related benefit is the shift in control and ownership from centralized databases to individuals. In essence, decentralization.

Where do you see the industry headed over the next 5 years?
In the next 5 years I believe we will see the blockchain industry enablie a large shift in control from central organizations to decentralized nodes. Initially it will be realized in the financial sector and will expand from there. When blockchain reaches the tipping point, it will have a massive affect on how we exchange value whether that be financially or in goods and services. A decentralized infrastructure will completely change market dynamics.

If you could spend an hour with anyone from history, who would it be and why?
Oh that’s easy. I would want to spend an hour with Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest minds of all time. But here’s the catch, I would want to talk with young Tesla not old Tesla. I would spend the hour giving him insight on what to avoid and what to push for in the future. I would warn him to avoid people who will try to destroy his efforts like JP Morgan or people who will try to steel his inventions and pass them off as their own like Thomas Edison. Most importantly though, I would tell him to not give up on his dream to build towers that provide free wireless electricity to the world. Could you imagine what the world would be like now if his dream of providing free electricity was realized in 1901 when he first started building Wardenclyffe tower? We would have a different world right now! There would be no such thing as third world countries!




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