10 signs that shows you or your project has nothing to do with blockchain

Deezent Ralized
4 min readNov 27, 2018


There is no blockchain on the picture. Guess why?

Please keep in mind that this is a subjective list, I put it together in my free time. You might argue with some points but I believe if at least three points has rings a bell with you about a crypto project — at least you have to think about it’s value. For the honest players, investors, communicators: Please keep it up, do the neccessary work and don’t let a single jedi to destroy your dreams.

“You wanna buy some death sticks?”
“You don’t want to sell me death sticks.”
“I don’t want to sell you death sticks.”
“You want to go home and rethink your life.”
“I want to go home and rethink my life”

So let’s the show begin. A project does not require blockchain if;

  1. If you replace the word blockchain with database in your whitepaper it still makes sense. This is the most obvious sign if someone tries to use a blockchain system as a backend database within his project. It won’t scale, it won’t store data fast enough — even a simple SQLite application performs better as a database as most of the public blockchains.
  2. You struggle to formulate your white paper and seems pretty hard to squeeze blockchain into it. Maybe you’re not a mathematican and you shouldn’t be. However you have to have a good understanding how blockchain could help you and your project, how decentralized applications work and you have to have a good grasp about their advantages and disadvantages.
  3. The problems that you try to solve are already solved. Sometimes it is not a bad sign as there is always room to improve an idea, do the business better and try out different approach. Most of the time it is.
  4. At least 20% of your whitepaper is composed by words and expressions like “revolutionary”, “challenging the status quo”, “disrupt”, “you’re going to be rich”, “blockchain agnostic”, “smart contract”, “it is huge”, “breakthrough”, “immutable ledger”, “your funds are safe”, “no one ever before”, “your future is in your hands”, “our experts”, “unstoppable distributed application”, “regulation free”, “our decentralized system”, “you never heard before”, and so on, so forth.
  5. Instead of concrete plans you have visions and visions only. You think later on the project will form itself. It will never happen and your investors won’t be happy see you changing your mind every Monday and giving them endless speeches about how fcking amazing product it will be and how ridiculously rich they are going to be.
  6. You really want to force something to blockchain which obviously has nothing to do with crypto by nature and just a complete nonsense. For example; dentists on blockchain, Prayer Token which is sent to god and stored on the blockchain”, first ever online 3D shoe fitting service in the world or even a fancy Sand Coin, a token for ordering high quality sand. SelfieCoin, PizzaCoin and so on. Weird, isn’t it?
  7. You struggle to explain the difference between block and hash. Every time they ask you about it you call your wife for answers. Even if you are not a technical expert you have to have some kind of knowledge about the underlying technology. It makes you much more confident with your decisions as you have better understanding what the technology can provide you and what it can’t.
  8. You hired a company to write your white paper and they don’t want to be mentioned at all. Even if they do the job what they supposed to do and you are happy with the results if they don’t want to be listed on your website after a successful project, ehh, you have to think about it at least for five minutes.
  9. 80% of your white paper is about token distribution and the rest of it a disclaimer.
  10. Your uncle informs you that FBI keeps asking him about that $8M what you have successfully raised last year and the project turned out as a scam.
  11. Bonus point: You think that not sharing your source code with the public is enough protection, you don’t need to do anything more about security. Tests comes from devil, code reviews just waste of time, auditing your project is waste of money. Hiring your old buddy as a CTO is the your best chance to achieve your goals because he is a nice guy and once managed to drink 21 beers just in two hours.

The author of this article is a content writer, crypto developer and passionate about his family and life. Believes in god, truth and blockchain.

Motto: The electric light did not come from continuous improvement of candles. https://t.me/deezent



Deezent Ralized

I’m a full stack blockchain developer who loves decentralization, technology, jokes and writing. https://t.me/deezent