DAPP leasing economy (Pay as you go)

3 min readAug 29, 2019


At Blockstart, we are focused on enabling decentralized applications (dApps) and based on our experience working with enterprise apps, we have always been toying with ideas that enable an existing business move to blockchain with minimal resistance. We have made it our top priority to fit blockchain architecture and design into their model rather than asking them to compromise on their business proposition for the sake of moving to blockchain. And to serve this purpose, we are announcing a new chapter in DAPP network economics.

As we have been involved with startups and consulting venture funds for more than 8 years, we have experienced and learnt the pain points of an early stage business. With blockchain industry still in early days, it is even more difficult for a startup in this space. It can become impossible to navigate various token economics and their impact on your resource costs and business model.

Businesses need to look at future value of money invested

Typically, running a business or a startup is very different from investing in a Cryptocurrency. For a business, blockchain resources for staking can be a huge overhead even when they do not spend it but own the asset in their books. As business owners, we always talk about “Future Value” of money which usually determines whether you rent or you buy the asset. Typically, early stage startups or businesses prefer to lease assets as they have higher future value of money than today. This is why REX has been one of the biggest enabler for dApps in EOSIO ecosystem by allowing the users to rent for CPU and NET on EOS network. And as DAPP network is enabling RAM solution as well as significantly vast set of useful services for dApps, we want to provide the same option to rent DAPP tokens.

Blockstart DSP published leasepack1 package for DAPP token holders to lease their tokens to dApps. The dApps pay a lease fees as per their actual usage of DSP services. This allows dApps to stake to high quality packages that may otherwise need very high DAPP staking cost to ensure the service quality they need for best user experience and for peak loads. It also makes the business case better for dApps as they do not have to hold a big stake in a potentially volatile asset (DAPP token).

We believe that Pay-as-you-go model along with REX will allow EOSIO dApps to make best use of blockchain resources and also help in adoption of blockchain technology to more enterprise applications.

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Blockchain accelerator and consultancy for decentralized applications (based in silicon valley)