Beginner’s Guide To Monad: Issue 0002

AkureFirstSon’s Thoughts
4 min readApr 19, 2024


🙋‍♂️: #Sequential vs #Parallel Execution — Monad’s Path?

🙋‍♀️: How does Monad improve scalability and efficiency?

🙋: Is Monad the answer to. EVM limitations?

Find all the answers on this TLDR thread

On the previous episode of “The Beginner’s Guide To Monad Labs,”

We delved into the fundamental terms of blockchain technology, highlighting why #MonadIsKing

If you missed it, catch up via the thread link Here

You are welcome 🤗

I really do like to keep it simple

  1. Sequential Execution handles 1 TXNs at a time

Example: EVM. (Ethereum, Polygon, or Base)

In context: It’s like doing laundry by hand — you wash,rinse, dry, fold, and. finally store one shirt at a time/step before starting the next batch.

2. Parallel or Optimistic Execution handle TXNs simultaneously

Example: Solana, Aptos, Sui and Sei

In Context: Imagine five people (washer, rinser, dryer, folder, and storer) working on laundry together at the same time. Once the washer finishes cleaning a shirt, it goes to the rinser while the washer starts on another shirt

Meanwhile, the rinser sends the first shirt to the dryer, and the process continues until all shirts are washed and stored — while being independent of each other.

Monad Labs is the pioneering EVM-compatible chain to employ the Parallel Execution method for processing transactions.

This means that on Monad, once TXN-1 is validated by nodes, the voting process for TXN-2 begins immediately without waiting for TXN-1 to finish its execution phase.

Giving room for 🙋‍♀️ — How does Monad improve scalability and efficiency?

Often a chain sacrifices scalability at the alter of efficiency — but not on @monad_xyz that runs at 10000 TPS per second — 1 second block time — 1 single-slot finality.

On Chain: @monad_xyz processes 1billion TXNs daily with low latency backed by an efficient consensus mechanism.

In Context: Picture a road, with daily user count of 10M, but due to closure of other roads, it is now having a user count of 100M — this could lead traffic congestion (Pending TXNs or failures).

Traffic Failures

Another Context: Picture Instagram, with a daily user count of 500m, operating on a blockchain with less than 100m. throughput — this could lead to app and TXNs failures.

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

If Instagram were to integrate a web3 solution on Monad Labs with a 1 billion TXNs throughput, the likelihood of success regarding app runtime, scalability, and smooth TXNs would be significantly high.

Indeed, that was quite a journey😅

Taking a moment to relax and recharge sounds like a great idea 💡

Once you’re refreshed and ready to go, we can dive back into our discussion — Let me know whenever you’re ready to continue

nah I can’t wait 😂

In recent months, @monad_xyz partnered with giants like @Dexponentx, @switchboardxyz, @TimeswapLabs, @PythNetwork, and @wormhole, previously reliant on EVMs

This brings us to the last question — Is Monad the answer to EVM limitations?

One key issue with EVMs is scalability. Ethereum’s popularity leads to network congestion, causing slower transactions and higher fees

Efforts like Ethereum 2.0 and RollUps aim to address this by transitioning to a more efficient proof-of-stake model.

Monad however, has seen reasons to believe that these issues goes beyond EVM’s 25+ sidechains and rollups

Hence, it is build as “An EVM performant blockchain that can runs 1 Billion Transactions per day via Parallel Execution + a personal and unique DataBase — #MonadDB

Via this mission — and in layman terms we can say Monad — is bringing an improve TXNs speed and gas rates similar to Solana or Sui or Aptos to the EVM ecosystem

Hence, I can join BdWhale to say — It will be a good time to degen with 20$ on an EVM while paying 0.05$ gas ⛽️

I sure know you have questions — so feel free to ask — the Monad Labs and The Pipeline will be joining me to help devs and chad alike understand the process of #Monad

I drop the 📌 here to mark where we are to meet next

Next ⏭️: What is the MonadBFT

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