BLOCKv — MegaFon Partnership a Success

Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2018

Q4 of 2017 was a busy quarter for BLOCKv. After a successful TGE close, we had a chance to showcase our technology with an innovative contest revolving around a concert at Moscow’s Olympic Stadium featuring one of the biggest bands in Russia, Leningrad. The contest, an augmented reality treasure hunt around the streets of Moscow, was sponsored by MegaFon, the third largest telecom operator in Russia.

This was a novel way to engage MegaFon customers and fans of the band, introduce blockchain technology to the masses, and show use cases of our powerful technology.

“BLOCKv is a technology platform and this is just one example of the types of experiences it can bring to life. All of the tools to build, run, view and interact with smart digital objects were provided,” explains Reeve Collins, CEO of BLOCKv. “In this use case, the Ethereum blockchain was used to ensure the sweepstakes was run with complete legitimacy. Our technology ensured a level of transparency and fairness that was impossible before blockchain.”

Over 1,500 people participated in the quest to collect ornament vAtoms from carefully chosen locations in the city of Moscow. Inside of the different types of vAtoms, users found useful information about the company, it’s infrastructure and promotions. Not even the freezing temperatures stopped the dedicated fans from collecting as many different vAtom types as they could to maximize their chances to win. The users then watched a live lottery based on blockchain technology and could trace the redeemed tickets on Etherscan.

“The hunt was interesting and challenging,” said one of the contest winners and blockchain fan Nikolay Chislov. “I saw the announcement about the contest and downloaded the app right away. I was curious about testing out the new experience. It was frosty when I was out ‘hunting,’ but I enjoyed the experience walking around the center of Moscow and it was actually the first time I ever visited the Spartak subway station.”

MegaFon benefited by being a pioneer in the utilization of blockchain technology. It’s a challenge to quickly write applications to blockchains and a platform like BLOCKv provides a simple to understand programming API on top of Ethereum and other blockchains. BLOCKv hopes to make blockchain technology more accessible and integrate it into people’s lives. This contest was just the first step.

“I thought the whole thing was very cool. I liked how I was able to check all the transactions online, verify other winners, and make sure there was no fraud. Also, the lottery format was very nice looking and it was exciting to see each new winning number with each new block in ETH blockchain.”- says Nikolay, one of the winners.

Here is a video snipped for all our Russian — speaking community of what it was like.

Collins added, “Working with MegaFon has been great and we look forward to attracting other big brands around the world. Knowing that companies like MegaFon are hearing about our technology and approaching us to use the developer platform proves we’re headed in the right direction. This contest is just the beginning.”

Official press releases in both languages can be found here:





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BLOCKv enables the creation and distribution of #smartNFTs, generating one-to-one experiences and creating new levels of human engagement. Powered by #VEE.