50 creative dairy product packaging design to boost your sales

amit sharma
6 min readMay 8, 2019


Dairy products are one among those fast moving consumer goods across the world. Dairy Product Packaging Design are made in wide verities which are making the customers spend much time in choosing the best buy. Wide range of materials can be used to pack these dairy products like cardboard, aluminium foil, plastic, glass, laminated films, and tin containers.

Producers always want to bring their products to the customers in high quality and most efficient packing, and this is possible only when one has sound knowledge on best packing materials and right packing methods for different dairy products. It would be best if you also had a better understanding of the shapes used for packing each group of dairy products.

There are no defined regulatory requirements for packing dairy-related products, yet, the established images associated with the design of the packing makes them distinguishable. Few of these images include green meadows, cows, preferably white background of the package and so on. Few manufacturers have their creative side on in packing these products offering unusual design solutions to their customers.

Here listed are the categories of dairy products.

1.Cheese packaging design

2.Milk Packaging Design

3.Butter Packaging designs

4.Ice cream packaging design

1.Cheese packaging design

The packing ideas listed here for the cheese will showcase how versatile the packing of this dairy product can get into. With a wide range of flavours, the cheese can be a perfect dish out at three meal of the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. The packing designs listed here will let you know how these multi-flavoured dairy product packaging design can be dressed in good standard packing or offered as a fun snack. In both ways, the cheese packing tends to average.

The creative Packaging designs for cheese can take shapes of cubes, triangles, and wheels. Some of these packing designs go off the path to experiment with new forms of packing.

2.Milk Packaging Design

Milk is the second most consumed liquid across the world. It is an excellent product for children health, and even milk products widely used across the globe. Many governments also take the initiative to promote milk consumption. With the intense competition in selling milk products across the world, many companies have introduced new material and packing designs to increase the storage of the milk.

Many companies are involved in the business of offering milk to end customers and increasing shelf life with Innovative tetra packaging. The intense competition in the industry has increased the fight for better quality, packing, and better tasting. The Dairy product packaging designs of milk have explored new avenues.

3.Butter Packaging designs

Butter has low packing design innovations. In spite, we have rounded up 15 innovative packing designs that are creative and beautiful as well. Most of the current packing material used for butter is either plastic or foil paper. This is the reason why we have less scope for innovation. The current packing material used for butter packing is excellent and fills the purpose at an affordable cost. With little material used for butter packing, it is difficult to find a way out for environmental friendly packing than it already is.

The great dairy product packaging design idea can be used for something else, and killer graphics designs make them more attractive.

4.Ice cream packaging design

Ice cream is one of those dairy product packaging design that has a mouth-watering taste. The creativity used by the producers to make an outstanding product needs applause. When it comes to packing of ice creams, it needs to be creative and innovative to drag the attention of the eaters. Also, ice cream packing should maintain consistency, make it durable so that it does not melt fast especially when it is out of a freeze.

Designing the product with creativity and innovation is an effective strategy to maintain the product in the market. Ice creams offered in innovative packing will make everyone interested in buying it. Here are some ice cream packing designs that will inspire you.


You can bridge the gap between your current and expected sale figure of dairy products with innovative and creative packing. You can help the consumers understand what your dairy product offers at a glance. You can portray the imaginary needs of the products through creative packing to entice them to buy the product. We experts at DesignerPeople are always at your service to help you with creative and innovative packing of design products to help increase your sales figure.

Originally published at https://www.designerpeople.com on May 8, 2019.

