How To Set Up Proxy Chains In Kali/Parrot Linux

Yomesh Dissanayake
4 min readJan 11, 2024


Using “ProxyChains” is the best method to surf internet anonymously. ProxyChains is a tool that redirects the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection with the help of proxies like TOR, HTTP(S), and SOCKS, and it creates a proxy chain server. Proxy chains hide our IP address from others so you can brows internet without having to worry about government or others snooping in to your activities on the internet .You need to have a Linux Distro installed in your computer or just use Virtual Machine and intall linux on it . I recommend you to install Kali Linux because Proxy chains comes pre-installed with Kali Linux .

We are using tor proxy. I assume you have installed Kali Linux on your machine , Let’s set it up

1. First it’s better to update the system.

sudo apt update

2. Install tor

sudo apt install tor -y

3. Start/Stop Tor service

How to start/stop the Tor services in Kali Linux. We have to manually start the services or manually stop it after using Tor services.

Start Tor
Stop Tor

You can Check the status of the tor service by ,

sudo service tor status

4. After installing tor service, we need to configure proxychains. use the following command to configure proxychains.

sudo nano /etc/proxychains.conf

You can use any editor of your choice here we are using nano, you can also use vim.

In the configuration, you will see “#” which means bash language comments. You can use arrow keys to scroll down and do the following changes.

  1. Remove ‘#’ from Dynamic chain
  2. comment ‘#’ Strict chain and Random chain
  3. Remove ‘#’ from proxy DNS
  4. write socks5 9050 in last line of proxy list

Save the configuration file and exit the terminal. The proxychains setup is complete.

5. Test your IP address to know everything is working

To start proxychains first restart the tor service and then launch proxychains in firefox with a link for a particular search engine like bing, duckduck go. Use the following commands:

service tor restart
proxychains firefox

After running the above commands firefox will launch and will load. When you run the command you must not get any error and bing should get loaded. Also please close all firefox tabs before executing the commands. now you are using proxy chains

to test if everything work , go to an IP address detecting website like

if it shows you are from a different country and shows a fake IP address you are under the tor proxy chain and you successfully configured and using proxy chains to hide your self.

I hope this guide helped you to set up and configure proxy chains . Remember protecting your privacy on the internet is a really important thing. Using proxy chains is one of best ways to surf internet more securely

