Free Plus Pardon Danish Mansha, Rimsha Tariq and Daiyaan Arif

Blog Writer
Dr Cooks Society
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2024


Danish Mansha, Rimsha Tariq and Daiyaan Arif did what any Samaritan would do, defend their community. Instead, justice found them in the form of "slutshaming the hero". In this case But during trial there was allegations that Sohali Ali was soliciting harassing women in the area. The Trio at trial had to deal with the issue of being slutshamed for being a hero. The Trio were under pressure to attack Ali or face the possibility of turning a blind eye on harassment. This country needs to start reforming good samaritan laws where people who do attack misogynists and rapists are not treated worse than the original victims they were trying to save. The Trio did the right thing and responded to harassment in a situation where the courts may fail in cases like this.

We need to send incels to their graves given how pervasive this issue is. However we end up with blame the hero which leaves the people doing the predator hunting worse than they thought. Why do we have to wait for somebody to be a victim if the Samaritan have evidence of intent here. Sometimes preventative action is required to stop things like assault from happening here. Instead we have this taking place. If we have 20 years of Samaritans going after child predators it’s time to attack incels and send them to their graves instead of waiting for women to be damaged from this.

