Welcome to the virtual world!

Geetanjali Tiwari
1 min readJun 29, 2019

Welcome to the virtual world,

Where there’s no value of a word.

Though you have relatives and friends,

within no time the relationship ends.

Humans works like machines,

chasing fame to fulfil dreams.

Adults and kids are busy with their gadgets,

maintaining fake standards and budgets.

Food is ordered not cooked,

emotions are also overlooked.

No care for the society!

With never-ending greed for luxury.

People work with the mind,

forgotten their hearts behind.

The brain has become a memory card!

So being famous is not hard.

Outdoor games are vanishing.

Children’s real talents are hiding.

Forgetting the real world,

we have entered the virtual world.

~Geetanjali Tiwari

