I Boosted Website Traffic by 50.5% in Just 7 Days Using ChatGPT!

Anna Malteaser
7 min readJun 21, 2023


My website traffic for the last 7 days

I know what you’re thinking.

“137 users is not a huge milestone.”

However, let me first give you a little bit of information about my website and how I increased traffic by 50.5% in just 7 days.

All thanks to ChatGPT!

I will also give you tips and tricks on how you can implement the same strategy with your websites.

I wanted to make this blog post once I reached 10,000 users on my website, but my excitement got the best of me.

Keep your eyes peeled because I am going to write more updates on my project using ChatGPT.

Information on the website I am working on

I am an affiliate marketer and have multiple blog websites in different niches.

I wanted to follow the trend and try ChatGPT myself.

I thought:

“Maybe I can create better content faster.”

Content that’s appreciated by consumers.

One of my websites is in the appliance niche and currently has 21 blog posts.

12 of them were written by ChatGPT.

That’s why my traffic is still relatively low. But I am certain that I will reach 10,000 traffic in just 60 days by using ChatGPT.

The same website in the last 28 days

Does Google Like ChatGPT?

Many people believe that Google has a negative view of AI-generated content.

However, what Google wants is content that’s well written and provides value to users.

That’s the main focus of Google: offering value and making people come back to their search engine.

That’s one way Google makes money. By serving Google ads on millions of websites.

If my word alone doesn’t convince you, given my newbie ChatGPT status, simply take a glance at Quora.

The biggest question-to-answer website on the internet is using this AI now.

If a huge company like Quora is using ChatGPT, it probably means that Google is on board with the whole idea.

Just think about it. They won’t sacrifice their Google rankings for anything.

So why should you deprive yourself of this powerful AI tool?

How to use ChatGPT on your website

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, sometimes it tends to give responses that sound robotic and too generic.

In addition, when you ask for blog posts, content, and titles are usually not SEO optimized.

But I have good news for you!

There are a few helpful tricks to consider when using ChatGPT for your website:

1. Choose your tone

Determine the style and tone you want to convey in your content. Whether it’s formal, casual, or somewhere in between, choose the right voice to match your message.

Here are a couple of voices you may want to consider:

● Formal and authoritative
● Friendly and conversational
● Plain and simple language
● Professional and technical
● Humorous and light-hearted

2. Choose the correct voice

Always aim for active voice! What do I mean by that?

Active voice is when you structure your sentences in a way that the subject performs the action. It brings clarity, directness, and immediacy to your communication. In addition, active voice sentences are concise, and engaging, and emphasize the doer of the action.

For example:

Active voice: “John baked a delicious cake for the party.”
Passive voice: “A delicious cake was baked by John for the party.”

I don’t want to bore you with more grammar but you get the point. Besides, you won’t structure your sentences yourself, but you’ll ask ChatGPT to do it for you.

3. Ask for sources

When linking sources in your content you’re creating what we call “outbound links”. Outbound links are beneficial for both readers and SEO. They provide readers with additional information, resources, and a better user experience. They enhance content credibility and trustworthiness.

They also improve the SEO rankings of your website. Additionally, outbound links can help with your link-building through backlinks.

In a video on the “Google Search Central” YouTube channel, John Muller explained the significance of linking to other websites.

He had to say this about outbound links:

“Linking to other websites is a great way to provide value to your users. Oftentimes, links help users to find out more, to check out your sources, and to better understand how your content is relevant to the questions that they have.”

Ask ChatGPT to provide you with sources so you can link them to your content.

4. Ask for more information

Depending on your content, you can ask ChatGPT to include more information like statistics, news, events, facts, citations, case studies, etc.

When you provide additional information, it makes you look more trustworthy.

It also makes your content more valuable and interesting for readers.

By showing that you have expertise in the subject, you can gain the attention and engagement of your audience.

Another great way to add more outbound links to your content and demonstrate your expertise.

5. Always verify your information!

It is important to verify the information given by ChatGPT or any AI model to make sure it is correct, reliable, and relevant.

By doing so, you can build trust with your audience and also Google.

AI can give wrong information.

This happens because AI doesn’t always understand the context or have the most up-to-date data.

It can also be influenced by biases or the use of incomplete or conflicting sources.

Look at the internet today. It is full of different ideas and opinions. Sometimes it is difficult to pick a battle.

And to top it all off, AI is not a human therefore it lacks reasoning abilities.

That’s because it operates based on patterns and data rather than having the cognitive abilities to think critically and reason through complex problems.

6. Optimize your titles and content for SEO

ChatGPT doesn’t have the ability to actively give you optimized SEO titles and content.

It generates responses based on your request, and its purpose is to assist users in generating human-like text.

It would be awesome if ChatGPT could optimize your website for SEO but that’s not the case.

There is a lot going on when optimizing your content for SEO but I’ll give you the main tips that everyone should do when using ChatGPT.

For that, I am going to show you an example of what ChatGPT can generate, following all the tips above.

I am also going to show you how to optimize your titles and content for SEO.

This is the prompt I am using for all my websites.

I asked ChatGPT to create an article on “global warming and the impact on marine life”.

Asking ChatGPT for an article on global warming with a specific prompt.

And here’s what I got.

A snippet of ChatGPT’s response to the article about global warming and its impact on marine life

I am not happy with a couple of details but the overall result is not bad at all.

Have you noticed that the SEO is not the best?

What does it mean by “Rising Ocean Temperatures”?

A better title would be “How global warming impacts the temperature of the ocean”.

We have the main keyword which is “global warming” and “sea” which is related to marine life.

And if we go any further, after “Rising Ocean Temperatures” we get this:

A snippet of ChatGPT’s response to the article about global warming and its impact on marine life

“Ocean Acidification” and “Melting Polar Ice”….

Again both titles don’t make justice to these two paragraphs. How many people Google “Ocean Acidification”?

It is always best practice to add adequate SEO to each article provided by ChatGPT.

Let’s check the rest of the article:

A snippet of ChatGPT’s response to the article about global warming and its impact on marine life

ChatGPT gives a nice conclusion and at the bottom, you’ll find sources.

sources given by ChatGPT

As mentioned in tips 3 (ask for sources) and 5 (always verify your information), it is always best practice to add sources and to verify them.

Bonus on how to use ChatGPT

If you use my prompt and are not satisfied with the content don’t be shy.

Ask ChatGPT to provide you with more content.

Ask this:

Can you create a topic cluster on…

Now you have a long list of topics related to your content.

That’s how I boosted my website’s traffic by 50.5% in just 7 days using ChatGPT and how you can implement the same strategy and create better content faster.

I will keep you updated on my ChatGPT journey.

Until next time….

Thanks for reading!



Anna Malteaser

Language enthusiast, WordPress and niche marketing, dropshipping, and online ventures. 🌐💡