Farheen Dhanjal
2 min readSep 12, 2022

If you have to question it, if you have to guess and there is no clarity it’s definitely a red flag. An incomplete interaction, manipulative action, and unclear intention are nothing more than worth disposing of.

You thought they know your worth until you find them putting effort into making someone else feel secure over you. You thought they know your worth until you acknowledged them unaffected by making you feel uncomfortable with their misdeeds. You thought they know your worth until you caught them, becoming a backing for someone else against you.

Efforts are missing when you feel like keeping a check on them. Efforts are missing when you had to seek justifications. Efforts are missing when you manipulate yourself to perceive someone’s wrong as right.

Don’t give people so much power over you that their silence leaves you questioning your worth.

People would try to push your boundaries, enter your serenity, exhaust your efforts, and even dare to make you feel less worthy of sharing what they have to give to others. A person’s unwillingness to contribute to a situation depicts their unstable values rather than your unworthiness.

Reminder, a value in someone is valuable only when it proves to add value to someone else’s life.

So, if you have been someone to safeguard their emotions from getting hurt; if you have been someone who kept a check on them in their lows; if you have been someone who was a giver without an expectation to be a taker; if you have been never determined to be rewarded, you are worthy.

You don’t become less worthy of not being treated worthily, you become worthy by standing tall, unaffected, and righteous towards your values and principles in such a situation when someone is not ready to recognize your worth.

At the end of every disappointment coming from people who matter to you, direct your mind towards an acceptance that ‘you still have not met all of the people who must treat you to the fullest of your worth.’

A person’s unwillingness to contribute to a situation depicts their unstable values rather than your unworthiness.



Farheen Dhanjal

I am besides being a self-help writer and a podcaster, an advocate as well. I am strongly inclined to the power of words, their placement, and their usage.