7 Amazing Life Lessons That Aladdin Taught Me

7 min readMay 24, 2022


Aladdin forms a friendship with Genie and exploits his wish to become a prince to win Princess Jasmine’s heart. When Jafar takes the lamp and gives himself three wishes, Aladdin must use his wits to deceive Jafar and save his friends and the Kingdom.

The story of Aladdin taught us a lot. With the assistance of Genie, we learned lessons from both Jasmine and Aladdin. Here are the most important lessons that I have learned from Aladdin.

1. Friendship doubles your joys and divides your sorrows:

How many friends do you have? Do you have at least one buddy who would go to great lengths to help you? If you have, consider yourself the luckiest person in this world. In the same way, being a good friend is essential. Would you go to any extent for your friend? The best thing in the world is having a wonderful friend. Friendship is about more than just having fun together. It’s also about being present when things go wrong. It’s all about looking out for each other. Appreciate your friends. With his final desire, Aladdin demonstrated true friendship by releasing the Genie. Aladdin prioritizes friendship before worldly wealth.

It’s easy to be friends when life is easy, but a true friend never leaves someone they care about to face challenges alone. True friends will always stick together, no matter what the circumstances are. One of life’s most valuable treasures is friendship. When you find true friendship, cherish it, nurture it, and respect it because it can bring enormous pleasure at any stage of life.

2. Courage is grace under pressure:

Have you ever felt dissatisfied with your current circumstances? Have you ever considered how short your life is? If this is the case, remember that it is due to a lack of guts rather than a lack of fate. If you’re ambitious, you can do whatever you want. Jasmine, the sultan’s daughter, is tired of being confined within castle walls and bound by the laws of her land; she is bright, intelligent, and amusing, and she is determined to marry the man she loves.

She simply wishes to marry for love, not for financial gain. She is, however, legally obligated to marry a prince. “Well, maybe I don’t want to be a princess anymore,” she replies as she flees from her male-dominant father. She stands up for herself and does what she believes is best for her. Don’t do anything just to please a fake society. What is the point of living if you can’t even live for yourself? You have complete freedom to do whatever you choose. You may not know whether you will be born again or not. Every day is a gift, so make use of it.

3. Beauty is inside:

What exactly is personality? It’s not always about the mascara and lipstick. Okay, so maybe it’s good for you. However, people remember you for your personality rather than your beauty. Personality is a person’s inner beauty, which means their character. Looks, on the other hand, are all about physical appearance. When describing Jasmine to Genie, he emphasizes personality traits rather than physical characteristics. Your appearance, skin color, and height, whether short, tall, or medium, are all gifts from God. As a result, judging a person based on their appearance is irrational. The one thing that can be faked in one’s appearance or outer beauty.

There are many ways for a person to look good, such as dressing, make-up, surgery, or other treatments, but inner beauty cannot be faked. It is reflected in a person’s behavior and attitude. Even if a person has a good appearance, if he lacks morals and ethics, he is still considered evil. How long will you be young? It’s never lasted so long. Your outer beauty fades with time. Your inner beauty, on the other hand, never fades. People used to represent a person based on their behavior, even after their death.

4. We rise by lifting others:

What exactly is kindness? Giving to others without expecting anything in return. Have you thought about the people who have been kind to you? And have you considered whether you might be able to assist others? Why? Because kindness causes a domino effect. It’s a never-ending wave, and all it takes is one person to start it. A small act of kindness can have a large impact on an entire community.

Aladdin may have grown up without money, but he is a gentle soul. He is delighted to assist Agrabah’s orphans and children. Aladdin may not be wealthy, but he has more than enough heart to compensate. Aladdin is a true prince, always willing to help, even if it means risking his life. Being kind is not difficult. It doesn’t mean you have to give everything to others. Simple acts of kindness, such as a smile, appreciation, positive words, or anything else, can demonstrate kindness. We make others feel good when we perform these acts for them. Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford.

5. Marry for love:

I’ve seen far too many people marry for money, caste, or family pride. I’m not sure what the point of marrying someone is for all of these reasons. Money can be earned, but what about love? Isn’t it true that it can’t be forced? Choosing the right partner does not imply making a decision based on whether he is wealthy, attractive, or anything else. Love should not be an option. It’s a decision. If you don’t love someone, don’t marry them.

In the story, Alladin lives on the street, while Jasmine lives in the palace. They do, however, fall in love. They are uninterested in anything else. Nothing is more valuable than pure love. When you marry for love, you have the guarantee that you will always have someone by your side. Money has nothing to do with marriage. Love is undoubtedly more important than money. Love extends the life of a marriage.

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6. Be yourself:

There’s no point in trying to impress others by pretending to be someone you’re not; instead, strive to be a better person. If you only show your best side to impress someone, or if you don’t express your most honest feelings, the relationship will never progress beyond the surface level. You will not only deny yourself the opportunity to have a genuine relationship, but you will also deny them the opportunity to get to know the real you. Pretending to be someone else has two disadvantages: you attract people you don’t want to be around, and you can’t attract people you do. Remember that if someone likes you because you aren’t yourself, that person isn’t right for you.

If you can be yourself with someone, that person is right for you. If you pretend to be someone else, you must act on your entire life. As a result, you are not only defrauding the other person but also yourself. Aladdin feels bad about lying about being a prince and tells the princess his true identity. Because you can’t be happy if you succeed in pretending to be someone else. The further and longer you managed to push yourself, the more painful the return to reality was. Sometimes, in our eagerness to effect change, we end up losing sight of all the wonderful aspects of our previous lives.

Years and years of learning and interpreting have resulted in the person you are today. Your experiences have hardcoded certain behavioral traits and a specific line of thought in you.

All of this is potentially mutable, but it is almost certainly impossible for people to completely rewrite their personalities on their own. You are exactly who you are. Accept it for what it is.

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7. Forgive your love:

If they truly regret what they did, it is best to forgive them regardless of what they did. A pure and clean heart is associated with forgiveness. We’re all prone to making blunders and making poor decisions. If you are confident that the person has repented and changed, the next step is forgiveness. The ball has been tossed in your direction. The question isn’t “is he/she deserving of forgiveness?” but rather “am I capable of being a truly forgiving person?” How would you like to conduct your life if you knew you’d never be forgiven for your actions? It’s not because of the other person that you can’t forgive; it’s because of yourself.

You have a forgiveness problem that needs to be addressed before you commit your life to someone else. Forgiveness implies different things to different people. However, in the vast majority of cases, it requires a decision to let go of bitterness and angry thoughts.

Empathy, sympathy, and understanding for the individual who has harmed you can all result from forgiveness. When you are hurt by someone you love and trust, you may experience anger, pain, and perplexity. If you dwell on terrible events or situations, you may develop grudges of hatred, revenge, and hatred. You may find yourself being eaten up by your bitterness or sense of injustice if you allow it to override your good ideas.

Jasmine forgives Alladin after learning his true identity. She understands his circumstances and, more significantly, she is unconcerned about his possessions since they are so in love with each other that nothing else matters.

Posted on 04/04/2022 by Sathiya




A girl in her 20’s who is a bibliophile trying to make a difference! Pen down about books and readings ! You can catch me on https://mystorylovers.com/