Demystifying Cold Starts in AWS Lambda

Blogger AJ
13 min readJun 10, 2023



Welcome to our deep dive into one of the most intriguing aspects of Amazon Web Services (AWS) — AWS Lambda and serverless architecture. Whether you’re an established developer or just getting started on your cloud journey, understanding AWS Lambda is essential for deploying effective serverless applications.

To start with, AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by AWS, which lets you run your code without provisioning or managing servers. This service executes your code only when needed and scales automatically, from a few requests per day to thousands per second. As you only pay for the compute time you consume, it’s an effective solution for many businesses.

The term “serverless” might be slightly misleading. It does not mean that there are no servers involved. Instead, it indicates that the responsibility of server management falls on the service provider (AWS in this case) rather than the end user. This abstracting away of server management lets developers focus on writing code and delivering value rather than spending time on infrastructure concerns. It also makes it easier to scale applications and can often lead to cost savings.

However, as is often the case with powerful technologies, to fully leverage AWS Lambda’s potential, it’s important to understand its intricacies and nuances. One such crucial aspect is the phenomenon known as “cold starts”.

Cold starts in AWS Lambda occur when an AWS Lambda function is invoked after not being used for an extended period, or when AWS is scaling out function instances in response to increased load. During a cold start, AWS has to load a new runtime environment and then start the function within it. This process can lead to increased latency, which can affect application performance, especially in latency-sensitive applications.

Despite this initial latency, AWS Lambda can offer substantial benefits in terms of scalability and cost-effectiveness. By understanding the factors that contribute to cold starts and how to mitigate them, developers can design more efficient and performant serverless applications.

In this post, we’ll demystify cold starts in AWS Lambda, exploring what they are, when they occur, how they impact function performance, and how we can mitigate their impact. Let’s get started on this enlightening journey.

  1. Understanding Cold Starts

To fully comprehend the nuances of AWS Lambda, it’s important to delve into the details of a process known as a “cold start”. This process plays a crucial role in how Lambda functions behave, especially when it comes to their performance and latency.

So, what exactly is a cold start in the context of AWS Lambda?

In essence, a cold start occurs when AWS Lambda needs to boot up a new instance of a function’s container before it can execute the function’s code. In other words, it’s the process of going from not running any code at all to executing a function’s code in response to a trigger or an event.

One might ask, when do these cold starts happen? The first scenario is quite straightforward: a cold start occurs the first time a Lambda function is invoked after being deployed or after a period of inactivity. The function’s runtime environment needs to be set up, which includes loading the runtime, the function code, and any dependencies, and then executing the initialization code.

Another scenario where a cold start occurs is when AWS Lambda scales the function horizontally to handle an increased load. If there are more concurrent requests than there are existing “warm” function instances (which we’ll explain in a moment), AWS has to create new instances, each of which goes through the cold start process.

Now, let’s move on to the impact of cold starts on function performance. The primary effect of a cold start is that it increases the execution time of a function, which is the time it takes from when the function is invoked to when it completes execution. This additional time is often referred to as “latency”.

During a cold start, the initialization phase (loading the runtime and the function code, and executing initialization code) adds extra time to the function execution. If your application is latency-sensitive — for instance, it needs to render a response to a user within a couple of seconds — this additional delay caused by a cold start might impact your user’s experience negatively.

It’s important to note that not every invocation of a Lambda function will result in a cold start. AWS keeps function instances warm for a certain period after they have processed an event, during which they can respond to new events more quickly. But understanding the phenomenon of cold starts and knowing how to mitigate their impact is a critical part of managing performance in serverless applications with AWS Lambda.

2. Factors Influencing Cold Starts
Once we grasp the concept of cold starts and their effects, it’s also essential to understand the factors that can influence cold start times. Some of these factors are within our control as developers and can be optimized, while others are inherent to how AWS Lambda operates.

  1. Lambda Function Runtime: The choice of programming language for your Lambda function can significantly impact the cold start time. Generally, interpreted languages like Python or Node.js have faster cold start times compared to compiled languages like Java or C#. However, the difference might not be substantial enough to warrant a change in language choice unless the application is extremely latency-sensitive.
  2. Size of the Deployment Package: The size of your function’s deployment package can influence the cold start time. Larger packages take more time to download and unpack, contributing to longer cold start times. Keeping the deployment package as small as possible by removing unnecessary dependencies and files can help reduce this time.
  3. Lambda Function Configuration: The amount of memory allocated to your Lambda function can also impact cold start times. As CPU power, network bandwidth, and disk I/O in Lambda are proportional to the amount of memory configured, a function with more memory can execute and initialize more quickly.
  4. VPC Configuration: If your Lambda function needs to access resources within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), additional time is required to set up an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) during a cold start. While AWS has made improvements to reduce this time, VPC-enabled functions generally have longer cold start times compared to those that are not VPC-enabled.
  5. Use of Provisioned Concurrency: AWS Lambda’s provisioned concurrency feature allows you to keep a specified number of function instances initialized and ready to respond instantly, thereby reducing or even eliminating cold starts. However, this comes at an additional cost and should be used judiciously.

3. The Impact of Cold Starts
Cold starts in AWS Lambda have a direct influence on the performance of serverless applications. While the increased latency may not be a significant issue for some types of applications, for others, especially those that are latency-sensitive, it can present challenges.

Latency-sensitive applications

Latency-sensitive applications are those where a delay in response time directly impacts the user experience or the functioning of the application. This includes applications like real-time gaming, video streaming, high-frequency trading platforms, and interactive web applications.

For instance, imagine an e-commerce website where product details are fetched from a database via a Lambda function. If this function experiences a cold start, it could lead to a noticeable delay in displaying the product details to the user, potentially leading to a poor user experience.

Background tasks and asynchronous processing

On the other hand, for background tasks or asynchronous processing tasks, cold starts are less of an issue. For example, a Lambda function that is processing files uploaded to an S3 bucket or a function that is running data analysis tasks can afford to have a cold start without it impacting the overall application performance noticeably. In these cases, the additional latency due to a cold start is generally acceptable because there is no end-user waiting for an immediate response.

Real-world scenarios:

Let’s look at a couple of real-world scenarios to illustrate the impact of cold starts:

  1. Real-time bidding system: In the advertising technology industry, real-time bidding (RTB) is a common practice where ad impressions are auctioned off in real-time. This process usually has to happen in less than 100 milliseconds. In such a scenario, if a Lambda function is used to process the bid request, a cold start could significantly impact the function’s ability to respond within the required time, potentially leading to missed bidding opportunities.
  2. API backends: Consider a web application where Lambda functions are used to create a serverless API backend. When a user interacts with the application, they expect immediate feedback. If a Lambda function servicing the API request experiences a cold start, it can result in a noticeable lag in the application’s responsiveness, leading to a degraded user experience.

While AWS Lambda’s auto-scaling and serverless capabilities offer many benefits, it’s essential to understand the implications of cold starts and architect your applications accordingly. In the following sections, we will explore various strategies to mitigate the impact of cold starts.

4. Mitigating the Impact of Cold Starts

The impact of cold starts in AWS Lambda is a significant consideration, particularly for latency-sensitive applications. However, there are several strategies you can employ to mitigate the impact of cold starts on your Lambda functions. Let’s take a broad overview of these strategies:

  1. Provisioned Concurrency: AWS Lambda’s provisioned concurrency feature allows you to keep a certain number of Lambda function instances initialized and ready to respond to invocations instantly. By maintaining these “warm” instances, you can eliminate cold starts for the number of requests equal to or less than the configured provisioned concurrency.
  2. Function Warming: Another common technique is to schedule “warming” events to your Lambda function using CloudWatch Events. These warming events are regular, low-cost invocations that keep your function warm and mitigate cold starts’ impact.
  3. Optimizing Function Configuration: Optimizing your Lambda function configuration can also help reduce cold start times. For example, the memory size configured for your Lambda function also determines the CPU power, network capacity, and disk I/O allocated. So, increasing the memory size can result in faster start times. Similarly, keeping the deployment package size minimal can also reduce the initialization time.
  4. Choosing the Right Runtime: The choice of runtime can significantly impact cold start times. In general, dynamically-typed, interpreted languages like Python and Node.js have faster start times than statically-typed, compiled languages like Java or C#.
  5. Minimize VPC Resources: If your Lambda function needs to access resources within a VPC, cold starts will take longer due to the time required to set up an Elastic Network Interface (ENI). You can reduce this impact by minimizing the use of VPC resources or by using AWS Lambda VPC networking improvements and Hyperplane ENIs.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss these strategies in greater detail, providing you with actionable insights to reduce cold starts and enhance your Lambda functions’ performance.

5. Provisioned Concurrency

One of the most effective ways to address the issue of cold starts in AWS Lambda is through a feature called Provisioned Concurrency.

Provisioned Concurrency allows you to set a specific number of function instances to remain initialized, or “warm,” ready to respond to invocations without any cold start delays. By keeping these instances warm, AWS Lambda ensures that they can start executing your function code within double-digit milliseconds, thereby significantly reducing latency for your application.

For instance, if you have a Lambda function that typically experiences a high request rate during business hours, you could set a higher provisioned concurrency during those times to handle the demand. This way, when requests come in, they can be processed immediately by the warm instances, eliminating the latency caused by cold starts.

But while Provisioned Concurrency can help achieve lower latency, it does come with some cost considerations. When you enable Provisioned Concurrency for a function, you are billed for the amount of provisioned concurrency and the duration for which it has been enabled, whether or not these provisioned instances are used to execute your function. This means you could be paying for unused function instances if your provisioned concurrency setting is higher than your actual demand.

This makes Provisioned Concurrency a valuable tool for scenarios where predictable execution times are required, such as in latency-sensitive applications or during peak usage times. However, it’s crucial to monitor and adjust your settings based on the actual demand to manage costs effectively.

In the next section, we’ll look at Function Warming, another strategy to mitigate cold starts that can be more cost-effective in certain scenarios.

6. Keeping Functions Warm

Another widely used approach to mitigate the impact of cold starts is by keeping Lambda functions warm, a process that involves sending “ping” invocations to your function at regular intervals.

AWS Lambda does not immediately shut down the execution environment (the “container”) after a function execution completes. Instead, it keeps the container warm for an undetermined amount of time in anticipation of another function invocation. This reuse of the container eliminates the need for the function initialization process, thus reducing the invocation latency.

To leverage this behavior, you can schedule a CloudWatch Events rule to invoke your Lambda function periodically, say every 5 or 10 minutes. These scheduled invocations are often referred to as “pings,” and their goal is to keep the function warm by ensuring that there’s always at least one warm container available.

This approach can be particularly effective for applications that have sporadic use and unpredictable demand. It helps to ensure that even the first user during a period of inactivity does not experience a cold start.

However, there are a few things to consider with this approach:

  1. Cost: Each ping is a function invocation and is therefore billable. While this cost is usually minimal (as the pings are not performing any meaningful computation), it is still an additional cost that should be factored in.
  2. Scaling: The warming technique works well for a single instance of a function. However, when Lambda scales your function horizontally to handle increased demand, it may need to initialize new instances, each of which will experience a cold start. This means that pinging can’t prevent cold starts when there’s a sudden surge in demand.
  3. Complexity: Managing the scheduling and coordination of pings can add complexity to your application, particularly if you have many Lambda functions.

In summary, while the function warming approach is not without its drawbacks, it can be an effective strategy to reduce cold starts, particularly for low-traffic or sporadically used functions. In the following sections, we’ll look at other strategies that can be used in conjunction with function warming for even better performance optimization.

7. Optimizing Function Configuration

Tuning your Lambda function configurations can also play a significant role in reducing cold start times. Here are two key aspects to consider:

Memory Allocation

AWS Lambda provides a direct correlation between the amount of memory you allocate to your function and the CPU power, network bandwidth, and disk I/O your function receives. This means that by increasing your function’s memory size, you’re also giving it more computational resources, which can result in faster initialization and execution times, thereby reducing the impact of cold starts.

But more memory means higher cost per 100ms of execution time. Therefore, it’s essential to find a balance where you get the best performance at the lowest cost. You can achieve this by methodically testing different memory sizes for your function, measuring the performance and cost at each level, and then choosing the most optimal setting.

Size of the Deployment Package

The size of your function’s deployment package can directly influence cold start times. Larger packages take more time to download and unpack, contributing to longer cold start times. Therefore, it’s essential to keep your deployment packages as lean as possible.

You can achieve this by:

  1. Removing unnecessary dependencies and files: Only include the libraries and dependencies that your code uses. If your code only uses a part of a library, consider using a tool to bundle just the pieces of the library you need.
  2. Using layers: AWS Lambda Layers is a distribution mechanism for libraries, custom runtimes, and other function dependencies. Layers promote code sharing and separation of responsibilities so that you can manage your dependencies separately from your function code.
  3. Minimizing your code: Keep your codebase lean and efficient, using only what you need. This not only reduces your package size but also makes your code easier to manage and debug.

By optimizing these configurations, you can make a significant difference in your Lambda function’s cold start times and overall performance. In the next section, we’ll discuss how the choice of runtime can also impact cold start times and what you can do about it.

8. Choosing the Right Runtime

The runtime you select for your AWS Lambda function can significantly impact cold start times. Runtimes are the language-specific environments that AWS Lambda provides for executing your function code. AWS supports a variety of runtimes, including Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, Go, .NET, and more.

Typically, interpreted languages like Python and Node.js have faster cold start times than compiled languages like Java or C#. This is because interpreted languages do not have a lengthy JVM (Java Virtual Machine) or CLR (.NET’s Common Language Runtime) startup process and therefore initialize faster.

Here are some points to consider when selecting a runtime:

Startup Speed: As we’ve already discussed, some runtimes have faster startup times than others. For latency-sensitive applications, choosing a faster-starting runtime like Python or Node.js can help minimize cold starts.

Performance Characteristics: Each language has its own set of performance characteristics. Some are faster at CPU-bound tasks, while others excel at I/O-bound tasks. Choose a runtime that suits your function’s workload.

Developer Familiarity: Choose a language that your team is comfortable with. Remember, the best performance improvements often come from optimizing your code, and that’s easiest to do in a language your team knows well.

Community Support and Libraries: Some languages have more extensive support and libraries than others. For instance, if you’re working with machine learning or data analysis, Python’s vast array of libraries might make it a compelling choice despite the performance characteristics of the runtime itself.

It’s important to note that while choosing the right runtime can help improve cold start times, it should not be the sole factor in your decision. Other aspects like developer familiarity, performance characteristics, community support, and the nature of your workload are equally, if not more, important.


In this article, we’ve taken a deep dive into the world of AWS Lambda, specifically focusing on the phenomenon of cold starts. Cold starts occur when AWS Lambda initializes a new instance of a function’s container and executes the function’s code. They can add latency to your function invocations, especially impacting latency-sensitive applications.

We’ve explored several strategies to mitigate the impact of cold starts:

  1. Provisioned Concurrency: This feature allows you to keep a certain number of Lambda function instances initialized and ready to respond to invocations instantly.
  2. Keeping Functions Warm: Regular, low-cost invocations, or “pings,” can keep your function warm, reducing the likelihood of cold starts.
  3. Optimizing Function Configuration: Tweaking your function’s memory allocation and reducing your deployment package size can help lower cold start times.
  4. Choosing the Right Runtime: Some runtimes initialize faster than others, impacting cold start times. Choose the runtime that suits your application needs and team’s expertise.
  5. Minimizing VPC Resources: Cold starts take longer for Lambda functions that need to access resources within a VPC. Reducing the use of VPC resources can help mitigate this effect.

It’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to optimizing AWS Lambda functions. The strategies we discussed need to be tested and adapted based on the unique characteristics of your application, traffic patterns, and specific use case. Continual monitoring and tweaking will help you find the optimal configuration that balances performance and cost.

Call to Action

Do you have any experiences, success stories, or tips for dealing with cold starts in AWS Lambda that weren’t covered in this article? We’d love to hear about them! Your insights could help others navigate the sometimes tricky waters of serverless performance optimization. Please leave a comment below, and let’s continue the conversation about making the most out of AWS Lambda.

Thank you for reading, and happy Lambda optimizing!



Blogger AJ

Cloud enthusiast penning easy-to-grasp AWS concepts. Guiding through the nebulous cloud-scape, one post at a time. #AWS #CloudComputing #TechBlogger