Reasons to consider “self-care” is really important

Gayatri Sidhu
3 min readJan 10, 2019


After reading and understanding what exactly is “self-care”, one might ask, “Okay, then what? Why should one even care about this phenomenon and how does the absence or presence of self care really affect us?”. Scientifically, there are several reasons and there are many ways that how it helps us. Some of the reasons are stated below:

You will find yourself happier and stress-free if you take some time off to focus on you physical health
  1. Promotes Physical Health: One might question, “What does self-care has to do with physical health? At the end of the day, self-care is for enhancing our mental health right?” You are partially correct, it has been proven that if you exercise, it reduces your daily stress and also physical health is also maintained. In today’s world where everyone is so busy fulfilling their

roles and responsibilities, be it work or studies, we forget to step back and take sometime off so that we focus on ourselves. Being physically active will help in forgetting our stress for sometime and will also give us space to realize what our body needs. Doing so will give our mind some space to thing how can the problem which is causing the stress can be solved.

2. Makes You a Better Caregiver: Our bodies do not talk to us and don’t tell us what do we need. We just need to understand what our body needs, it is like an “unsaid communication” that we need to have with our bodies. If we master this skill, then its more likely that it will also make us a better caregiver. This is because sometimes a child or an elderly person we are looking after will not be able to communicate to us at all or not well enough that what they need. Involving oneself to self-care will make it more likely for us to understand what they need just by observing their body language and facial expressions.

Feel great about yourself!!

3. Increases your Self-Esteem: There is a direct link between self-care and self-esteem. If we actively look after ourselves and involve in the right method that works for us, it automatically increases our self-esteem. We would feel more confident about ourselves which results in looking at the world from a different lens. One will be always looking at the positives around them. Even if they face a challenge, it will be less likely that they will be anxious or get stressed about the same.

4. Gives you a break from your stress: Sometimes, you just need a break from your daily stress to solve your problems. I might not realize that they just need a break so that their brain can just have some space and time to process their problems in order to come up with a proper solution. For instance, you are working, you had a problem, the solution is right in front of you, but you are so anxious and stressed, that you don’t notice that there is a simple solution for the same. Which is right in front of you. There is just so much going in your brain that you cannot process anything anymore. In this situation, when you take a break, come back and look for a solution, you just realize how stupid you were, the answer was just “staring into your face”, but you didn’t see it at all.

These were some of the many reasons why “self-care” is so important, but the list does not end here. There are many more. This is why we should just take sometime off from our busy schedule and just see what WE need. This may sound selfish, but it very important to maintain a great mental health. Remember, by doing so, you are NOT CRAZY, it just means you are taking care of yourself. So go ahead, find what works for you, and make sure that you incorporate it in your schedule.



Gayatri Sidhu

A girl who wants to share and listen what you have to say. One who wants to capture and share the stories which are untold and unheard. Insta- gorgeous_gaurigs