I’m an Introvert In SHOCK!

4 min readFeb 2, 2023


If you’re not introverted then this wouldn’t make sense to you. I literally just got done freaking out and crying listening to YOU!

My social batteries are overloaded! I know because I just exploded! I feel like such an ungrateful B* all especially after my boyfriend just asked me was if I wanted to go to lunch? Most women would jump at the chance to go to lunch with their man! Yet, for the past few weeks I was suppose to be on a little social vacation however it’s been anything but that. From the day I got off it was a dinner date with friends, the next was a long lunch and then the next day another dinner!

Side note: my lunches and dinners are NEVER quick!?! They are always a looooooonnnnngggg event! Which I don’t mind but I can’t stand the day drinking at lunch because it clouds my mind! And then some of us don’t stop just continue drinking the whole day through! I can have a glass of wine and be fine but can’t stand people who don’t have boundaries on their booze!

Oh and let’s not forget the Christmas country family trip? And the day with my Mom and Grandma on Christmas Eve and day! That’s sad to hear me say! Again I feel like an ungrateful b* because I do cherish these moments and memories. Yet on the flip side I’m exhausted as F**k!

Sometimes I just want to be alone! I don’t care about breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even answering the phone!

It’s not that I don’t want to see you, talk, hang out or eat food! I just don’t want to do it when I’m feeling blue!

As an Introvert I get my ENERGY from being alone! I get socially exhausted talking on the phone, answering emails, responding on social media, taking sales calls, talking to people! Hearing NOISES (i.e. the humming TV, the ice machine, the dogs/cats jingling tags, the car horn outside, the constant chatter or anything non essential to my life and or business! oh and your F*in phone clicking and scrolling through social media or even typing Drives me crazy too! Click click click is all I hear from you!)

I love my life and the people in it! But I have to retreat into my zone alone in silence to get back on my feet and of course recharge my social batteries!

But if you’re extroverted then you’re quite the opposite! You get your ENERGY from social interaction! You thrive with music and love to work with the constant noise in the background!

It’s not that we can’t coexist it’s just that there are boundaries in any relationship! You are actually the YIN to my YANG and balance out my brain!

But, The power of NO is something I’ve not yet perfected just gotten better at NOT saying yes to activities that drain me!

Just the other night I had to listen to a drunk guy slur his words at me! Wow you are so cool, fun and pretty! But all that small talk gets to me! What do you do? Where are you from? — Omg why do you care? Plus you’re drunk so WTF I don’t want to have an uneducated conversation with you otherwise it’s causing Me overstimulation! Plus my brain cells are also probably dying! I couldn’t wait to leave go home and just start crying!

Stop asking me dumb questions! Think for yourself. See as Introverts we like meaningful conversations and deep relationships! We hate shady people and small talk!

Think of a painter! How can they paint if someone is constantly talking to them, sitting behind them or causing them to exert energy on anything but their painting? As a creator I get that! I like to be alone with my craft! Take blogging for instance — I get accused all the time of being on my computer BUT ummmmm as a DIGITAL Nomad that’s kind of my job! Dah it’s called D-I-G-I-T-A-L!!!

So you may think of it as “playing” on the computer but in fact it’s far from that! How can I work without being ONLINE ya know on my COMPUTER all the time!

And let’s be real I take breaks all day long. Including on weekends and my weekdays end about 5pm! I’m also off on holidays and even today not because it’s a holiday just that I need a break. A break to blog! A break to write! A break to create and gather my thoughts!

It’s sucks to feel like an ungrateful b* or like I’m boring but if I just had UNINTERRUPTED time alone I could recharge much faster!

So yeah I’m an Introvert feeling OVERLOADED and today I finally just exploded! So I decided to blow up in blog post vs on YOU! You’re welcome :)

Can you relate to me? — Are you an introvert or extrovert?

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I’m @BloggingBrandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & RV Entrepreneur! Learn More 👉 https://bloggingbrandi.com