Stop calling me boring because I do NOT want to do something YOU do!

2 min readFeb 6, 2023


It does NOT make me boring because I would rather not…

  • Rather NOT Go out to a bar where 100’s of drunk people will be trying to communicate in some form of English about NOTHING I want to hear about. Listening to LOUD music I would NEVER play on a regular day to get me in any kind of mood but BORED!
  • Rather NOT Go to the gym at 4:30AM just to beat some old lady YOU have beef with about a certain treadmill YOU two both want to use?!?
  • RATHER NOT Stay up LATE doing absolutely NOTHING but watching YOU drink, smoke cigarettes, and mindlessly spit — while I stare at the TV instead of SLEEPING which no one gets to do while you’re awake constantly opening and closing that d* sliding glass door for a smoke!
  • RATHER NOT Eat the same thing or worse WASTE money on more food when we already have in the plenty in the fridge to eat! Especially because I hate the idea of wasting food others would beg to have on their plate or can’t afford to pay for.
  • RATHER NOT Do what YOU want to do!

Why do I need to be blamed or be called boring just because I don’t want to do the same thing? What makes me boring? What if — Maybe I think what you want to do is not fun, not exciting, or worse even BORING? Should I fire off a round of insults to make you feel “some type of way” and try saying anything I can to cause you change your mind? Or should I just say OKAY without all the insults?

Maybe it’s the alcohol that’s responsible for the insults? but again that’s just what crosses my mind EVERY TIME the insults start flying!

Or may it is ME! Maybe I am just that boring which I’m totally fine with as I’d rather blog about the way you treat me than retaliate with some form of punishment or verbal beating!

Guess that’s why they call me “Blogging Brandi” ;-)

Can you relate?



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I’m @BloggingBrandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & RV Entrepreneur! Learn More 👉