STOP, Look & Listen To Your Followers

2 min readFeb 9, 2023


Are you always looking for MORE Subscribers, MORE Followers, MORE Likes, MORE Comments, MORE Shares, etc… MORE People to LOOK AT YOU?

What about THEM? You’re followers, the ONE, 2, 10, or 100, maybe 1000’s you already have? Have you taken the time to STOP and LISTEN to them? Do you know “WHO they are? What they what out of life? WHY they even follow you, like your content, subscribe to your newsletter, YouTube Channel, etc…”


As a Female Digital Nomad and usually RV Living Entrepreneur I’ve learned so much about WHY you do not want 100,000 RANDOM people to VIEW you taking a shower in your Van! #VanLife Mistakes!!! lol

But, Seriously it’s NOT about HOW MANY VIEWS you get on your blogs, YouTube videos, or Social Media Posts — it’s about the VIEWER aka WHO is reading, watching, liking, commenting, following, subscribing etc…

YOU want people who are INVESTED in you, your story, your mission, your journey! NOT RANDOM people or what I like to call “Freebie Seekers, or Fly By Night Subscribers”

This is WHY I created my Truest Fan Club, so I can understand my fans on a MUCH DEEPER LEVEL! It helps me create better content, and know who I’m trying to help! It also builds my reputation and RELATIONSHIP with my Fans — they are like my ONLINE FAM!

So if you can relate to what I’m putting down drop a comment and give this story a clap to let me know!

❤️ BloggingBrandi

P.S. If we haven’t met WATCH my Story and don’t forget to join my Fan CLUB! Get all the dets and more via




I’m @BloggingBrandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & RV Entrepreneur! Learn More 👉