WHY We need to take a BREAK

2 min readFeb 14, 2023


Seriously, I’ve been sitting here thinking and watching how things have been going for months. Wondering why do I always feel “Exhausted AF*”???

I know WHY for one is I’m trying to do too much! I hate feeling like I NEED to write, vlog, or create! It’s makes me CLAM up and NOT be able to CONCENTRATE much less to what I do best which is CREATE!

YES, I’m a CREATOR, but I haven’t had much time to myself lately. I feel like I’m always CONSTANTLY Writing, Replying, Recording, — I’m either CREATING or COMMUNICATING!

But if you didn’t know…

I’m an INTROVERT so COMMUNICATION is NOT my thing! Especially FACE to FACE with a LIVE human being! That’s why I make videos and write blogs and WHY I QUIT my job almost 8 years ago this week…. I did it to be free and be me so I could blog if I wanted or NOT! — I needed time to recharge my batteries away from society!

Plus, YESTERDAY I sat down to record and post a video about “My Advice For Getting Started As A Solo Female Digital Nomad. And, BTS of my Solo Female RV Living Entrepreneur journey! Including how I quit my job and learned how to be a digital nomad!” — so as you can imagine I’m Tired AF* today and going to have to pray for repentance for wanting to cuss! lol

So, I know what I need to do next and that is to SLOW DOWN, BATCH my tasks and time… Plus, RE-create the systems I once had in place to help me manage my day! — But hey IYKYK I’m just building a new little thing over here testing, failing, growing and repeatedly testing every single day! ;-)

Can you relate to TAKING A BREAK to slow down and REVIEW your life, business, processes? How are you managing your time? Your Talents, your skills vs your weaknesses?

Comment below and let me know! 👇



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I’m @BloggingBrandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & RV Entrepreneur! Learn More 👉 https://bloggingbrandi.com