Why No One Reads Your Writings

1 min readFeb 18, 2023


Do you ever look at the analytics? Really do you take time to stop, look and listen to what’s being said or sitting right in front of you?

Or, do you keep producing, publishing, posting and populating more content?

How long do you wait before you watch what’s being said, read or NOT? Do you know how long it takes to build relationships with people?

Building a blog, business or brand is all like dating… Relationships lead to revenue… ONE reader, one view, one comment, one like, one follower, one subscriber at a time!

And then of course there are the rules: titles, tags, and then your description aka your actual blog post! But most importantly your tags that’s also called SEO (Search Engine Optimization)… this is how people find your post!

This is how Medium, or Google, even YouTube knows who to recommend your posts to!

And, of course being consistent is important but creating quality not quantity is key!

You have to Go back to the basics and really listen, look and learn ask yourself who it is that follows me aka you?!? And WHY?

Do you understand why no one is reading your blog post now?

Comment below and let me know if you can relate to what I’m saying!

❤️ BloggingBrandi

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I’m @BloggingBrandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & RV Entrepreneur! Learn More 👉 https://bloggingbrandi.com