All-Italian DNA for the first socio-political essay written by Artificial Intelligence

2 min readApr 18, 2023


The first literary work, a book entirely processed by an Artificial Intelligence system.

A socio-political essay titled “You, Robot — From market politics to the market of politics”, a book elaborated entirely by an Artificial Intelligence system, saw the light with its publication a few days ago on Tuesday 12 April 2023.

Book Cover Tu, Robot

Oakmond Publishing, the publisher

It’s the German Oakmond Publishing, the publisher which publishes it in world premiere.

To date, the only works published and created using this “disturbing” and controversial technology have been limited to fairy tales for children and small science fiction stories. But Oakmond Publishing, which is a company incorporated under German law, has an all-Italian heart and mind given that it was founded and is directed by Professor Giada Trebeschi.

Author Dario Colombo

Even the author (if it can still be defined that way) or rather, who initiated the elaboration of the work, is an Italian Dario Colombo. A manager, coming from the world of high technologies in particular Aerospace and IT, who has ventured into this pioneering experimentation.

Both Editor and Author, underlined that this first step was considered as a stimulus to debate. Discussion on the thorny issue of the use of Artificial Intelligence, as can be appreciated by reading the notes and introductions to the work.

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