What’s the Difference Between The 4Ps and 4Cs of The Marketing Mix?

Ella Mason
2 min readSep 21, 2022

According to natural food & beverage consulting experts, the 4P and 4C models define a company’s marketing mix, communicate a product’s benefits, and differentiate it from the competition. While the models have similar elements, there are some important differences that you should be aware of.

What is a 4Ps and 4Cs Model?

The 4Ps model focuses on determining the target market’s needs and crafting a solution to meet those needs. The model consists of product, price, place, and promotion.

· Product refers to the actual product or service that a business offers.

· Price refers to the amount of money a customer has to pay to purchase the product.

· Place refers to a company’s distribution method to sell its products, such as a physical store or online website.

· Promotion is the act of advertising a product or service to increase demand among consumers.

The 4Cs model is similar to 4Ps in that it identifies a business’s marketing objectives. The model consists of customer satisfaction, competence, convenience, and communication.

· Customer satisfaction refers to how well the customer feels about the company’s products and services.

· Competence is the skill level that the company has when it comes to manufacturing and distributing its products.

· Convenience refers to how accessible the product is to the customer and how convenient it is for them to buy it.

· Communication is the process of building a strong relationship between the company and its customers through marketing and advertising campaigns.

How do the 4Ps and 4Cs Models Differ?

Here are some of the main differences between each marketing model you should know before incorporating them into your CPG brand.

· 4Ps focus on meeting customer needs, whereas 4Cs focus on building relationships with customers.

· The 4Ps model is linear, whereas the 4Cs model is cyclical.

· The 4Ps model focuses mainly on businesses selling physical products, whereas the 4Cs model focuses on businesses of all sizes.

· The 4Ps model deals mainly with short-term goals, whereas the 4Cs model deals with long-term goals.

If you’re a natural specialty products brand needing assistance with executive marketing strategies and growth plans, consider a CPG and natural products sales outsourcing agency like emerge.

They are a leading CPG business sales management services provider that helps brands improve their sales.

Schedule a consultation today to get started!

