Blok Technology to Drive the Global On-Demand Workforce

2 min readMar 13, 2018


Blok technology replaces the outdated hierarchical workforce model, creating a productive, lean, and agile workforce. Current technology and economy limitations include lack of trust, slow payments, limited transparency, difficulty for small companies to connect with verified workers, legal compliance, and static teams.

Blok uses smart contracts to eliminate friction in terms of time, cost, quality, and transparency in matching workers and employers. A blokpreneur can browse all of the offers provided by the companies, assign relevant offers to themselves, mark them as complete and get in BLK tokens.

By utilizing the Blok platform to eliminate friction in the gig economy, we will empower workers and make hiring freelancers easier for companies. Further, by improving need identification and matching processes Blok will provide significant advances in the gig economy space.

Engaging Blok’s Ecosystem

The Blok platform enables companies and blokpreneurs to move their interactions, completely or partially, to the blockchain. At the heart of the Blok platform is an atomic job offer, a “gig”, that companies offer for blokpreneurs to complete. Gigs are any service which can be completed by contractors for an agreed upon payment.

The gig becomes discoverable through the directory contract within Blok’s platform which lists all relevant gigs. The directory automates formal checks and verification to validate the gig. One the gig is verified, it becomes discoverable to all blokpreneurs.

Blokpreneurs will be able to search for the gigs through the Blok platform or through a companies native platform using open source API. If a blokpreneur wants to do a specific gig, they apply to the gig, are approved or rejected, and then receive instructions. Once the gig is completed, the submit it for approval and get paid.

Blok Client Apps
The clients apps are portable Ethereum wallets with easy-to-use UI to browse Blok gigs, start work on them, mark them as complete, receive funds for completed gigs and distribute reputation. An important feature of Blok client apps will be the ability to convert BLK tokens to a digital asset or fiat currency.

See How Blok Can Build
Blok welcomes companies to engage with the Blok protocol. They can directly push gig smart contracts to the blockchain, validating them with the Directory, find, hire, and pay blokpreneurs for their gigs. Blok will allow companies to have great economies of scale when it comes to dynamic hiring and meeting on-demand needs.

Blok use cases can be found here:

Dog walking

Personal Training


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Author: Kyle White, CMO at Blok

Kyle started in the gig economy at 14 and has held leadership positions across the outdoor industry, politics, and construction. Kyle is excited to democratize the global workforce through blockchain.



Blok — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce