Ismail Malik, the blockchain influencer, a Blok advisor

2 min readApr 9, 2018


Ismail is the Editor in chief at ICO Crowd, world’s first publication for the ICO industry.

Ismail is also the founder & CEO at BlockchainLab. An advisor with ICON, LAToken and Lydian. As an advisor, his companies have raised $80M+ in ICO’s.

The Rise of the Token Economy

The token economy presents a huge opportunity to revolutionize the way we work and interact with the world around us.

@DisrupTiv In Bangkok with @VitalikButerin and co, good to discuss the future of the crypto ecosystem. Somewhat more optimistic for a blockchain based web3 & the rise of the

“I think that the Internet of Tokens will be a dominant feature of the global economy for at least the next decade, and that all executives, entrepreneurs, policy makers, elected officials, and journalists, even scientists and especially economists and bankers, will need to invest the time and make the effort to understand, as the Internet of Tokens is going to touch and change everything.”

Blok is excited to join the Internet of Tokens in growing and democratizing the global gig economy. The development for the Blok platform began with research through the Lutrovnik R&D consultancy by engaging with gig economy companies and observing their operating processes and unsolved needs.

Our whitepaper outlines the need in the gig economy and how the Blok platform meets that need. See how Blok will impact Prosper in Nigeria.

Ishmail’s experience and expertise helps round out the strong Blok team.

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Author: Kyle White, CMO at Blok

Kyle started in the gig economy at 14 and has held leadership positions across the outdoor industry, politics, and construction. Kyle is excited to democratize the global workforce through blockchain.



Blok — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce