Meet Adnan Javed, Thought Leader and Blok Advisor

2 min readMar 29, 2018


Adnan is a qualified lawyer and engineer based in Australia. He has worked with ETHLend, Sapien & Zencash. His accomplishments include advising blockchain startups and helping raise ~$50Mil.

We are proud to have him on the Blok team and value his consistent input into our community. “

“AJ”, as he known around Blok

“My advice to anyone investing in an ICO is to understand the whitepaper, value proposition and potential impact on the society with the use of the subject ICO’s product or service. If you do not understand the whitepaper as a starting point, then avoid buying into it.” Adnan Javed

Adnan Javed is an expert advisor of startups combining expertise in business within blockchain and technology industries.

Adnan is the inventor of two patents registered with US Patents and Trademark Office (USPTO). He holds dual qualifications and core competencies in engineering and law.

As an early advocate of blockchain he has experience in advisory of ICOs, Crypto and blockchain startups including Fintech. He is an advisor to a Fintech Startup, ETHLend which raised the hardcap funding within a few hours. He is also advising Sapien — a decentralized social platform and supporting operations of a Blockchain Startup, ZenCash (a fork of bitcoin). He also holds a senior position in a Technology startup. In addition he holds immense interest in advanced use case development and dapps on blockchain.

Adnan’s experience and expertise helps round out the strong Blok team.

Participate in Blok’s ICO (1 ETH = 5700 BLO) for your opportunity to join in on the gig economy revolution.

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Author: Kyle White, CMO at Blok

Kyle started in the gig economy at 14 and has held leadership positions across the outdoor industry, politics, and construction. Kyle is excited to democratize the global workforce through blockchain.



Blok — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce