Things Work Out for Personal Trainers Using Blok

2 min readFeb 26, 2018


Dan is a workout fanatic and earned his personal trainers license for multiply specialities back in college. After graduating College, in student loan debt, he started his career as a motivational speaker.

As a motivational speaker, Dan does not have consistent hours and will sometimes get called the night before to speak at a local high school or business. He wants to be able to start training people again.

Dan begins to look into an instant and secure payment solution for gaining clients while maintaining flexible scheduling options that does not take high fees, allowing him to pay off student loans. While searching, Dan finds that using Blok will help him find clients in on-demand fashion and receive payment.

By utilizing Blok’s directory, Dan finds people who need a personal trainer during time he is available. The directory allows Dan to maximize the value of his time by presenting him the opportunity to consistently earn.

Since Blok utilizes smart contracts, Dan never has to worry about being paid. When Dan finishes training a client, he can receive Blok tokens right away helping to pay off his student debt.

Blok is dedicated to revolutionizing the global on-demand workforce. With the support of our community, our platform will help people like Dan trying to get the most value for their time. Find out how you can join the revolution at

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Author: Kyle White, CMO at Blok

Kyle started in the gig economy at 14 and has held leadership positions across the outdoor industry, politics, and construction. Kyle is excited to democratize the global workforce through blockchain.



Blok — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce