Wulf Kaal — Decentralized Economy Guru

3 min readMar 26, 2018


“Producers and consumer could share that 25% rather than paying an intermediary, like Uber. We will see efficiencies not previously seen in the economy”


Wulf Kaal is a leading expert at the intersection of law, business, and technology. His research focuses on innovation, technology, blockchain technology applications, smart contracts, initial coin offerings, hedge funds, and dynamic regulatory methods. Kaal is the director of the Private Investment Fund Institute (PIFI). Before entering the academy, he was associated with Cravath, Swain & Moore LLP, in New York, and Goldman Sachs in London, UK.

Kaal advises crypto companies, crypto startups, venture capital funds, and international policy makers on blockchain based solutions in FinTech and LegalTech. As an adviser and mentor, Kaal focuses on creating synergies for his clients and building successful new crypto businesses, among others, on existing solutions.

Why Blok

During Mr. Kaal’s speech in Davos @ConsenSys Panel, World Economic Forum, he spoke on how blockchain must produce solutions to inefficiencies. “It’s not about the hype, it’s about creating real solutions”. The driven mindset towards producing positive projects in cryptocurrency is what brings Kaal and Blok together.

Mr. Kaal’s has studied and presented on decentralized society through blockchain. His teachings directly touch on the gig economy.

“In the current situation we are dealing with centralization by technology is taking over large parts of the centralized system and connecting users directly. In the future one way to think about it, that 25% we pay to Uber and Lyft can be shared directly by producers and consumers. Producers and consumer could share that 25% rather than paying an intermediary, like Uber. We will see efficiencies not previously seen in the economy”

The vision for the future is clear. The sharing economy and the gig economy will continue to grow as traditional 9–5 will become a thing of the past. Blok is happy to have Wulf’s expertise and guidance as we strive to revolutionize the gig economy.

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Author: Kyle White, CMO at Blok

Kyle started in the gig economy at 14 and has held leadership positions across the outdoor industry, politics, and construction. Kyle is excited to democratize the global workforce through blockchain.




Blok.network — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce