2 min readNov 2, 2021

With the introduction of the Jointly Owned Blok Enterprise (JOBE), we have built out more frequently asked questions for the community. This article was updated on Friday 3rd December 2021.

Why join a JOBE?

Joining a JOBE will allow you to own a REBLOK and/or ADBLOK NFT with other people, making ownership and exposure accessible and affordable.

Who will be in my JOBE?

Other investors, that stake $BLOK in order to have a share of a REBLOK and/ or ADBLOK NFT.

How do I join a JOBE?

We have now hosted several JOBE pools on The feedback from the community has been fantastic and they are filling fast! We are continuing to announce new ones. Keep an eye on our Telegram announcements channel and the dedicated area on the website:

How much does it cost to join a JOBE?

A 0.1% share of JOBE #1 costs 4,800 $BLOK and consists of 1,000 lots. You can only contribute in increments of 4,800 $BLOK. There is no limit to how many shares consisting of 4,800 $BLOK you can contribute.

How Long to I have to be part of a JOBE?

You must stake to the JOBE for a minimum of 15 days to be eligible for the rental rewards.

You can withdraw from the JOBE at anytime but will not receive any rewards if you have not staked for more than the threshold of 15 days.

If someone withdraws from the JOBE the lots they previously owned will again become open for contribution. So if you missed out on a particular JOBE there is always an opportunity to still get in.

How Do I Join a JOBE?

You will need to have both $BLOK in your wallet to contribute to the JOBE and $MATIC for the transaction fee. The following article provides step by step instructions:

Can you use Trustwallet to contribute to the JOBE?

The only wallet currently compatible with the JOBE is MetaMask

How else can I buy NFTs?

The Bloktopia NFT Land Sale Portal will be an area where you can be an outright owner of REBLOK or ADBLOK. All details on pricing is available on the website Announcements on the live date for the portal will be made through the Telegram announcements channel

How does the user get revenue?

Rewards eligible to be claimed on the 2nd of each month. Claiming the reward is done by clicking the ‘Collect Reward’ button and approving the transaction.

When can I join a JOBE?

The first phase of JOBEs has launched. The second phase has commenced today 2nd November. Keep an eye on our Telegram announcements channel and the dedicated area on the website:

