Benefits of Bloomzed Crypto Club members

1 min readFeb 7, 2018


Recently, the second round of selling BZT tokens started. At this stage, the Bloomzed team has issued about 2 million 000 million tokens. The end of TGE is scheduled for February 17, 2018, in case a hard cap of 45,000,000 BZT will not be reached, the second round will be extended.

Taking part in TGE Bloomzed, each user becomes a member of the club, which in its turn provides a certain number of membership benefits.

It should be noted that the BZT tokens are not material or monetary kind of obligation of the company, or of its members and subdivisions. They can not be cashed, exchanged for cryptocurrency or used to pay for goods / services.

Every owner of BZT has the right to use the tokens, which are available to him independently. He can sell or give them back to Bloomzed free of charge. Only in this case, he loses all the advantages endowed with the club, since only the availability of BZT tokens gives the right to be a member of the club.

Token BZT allows its owner to receive certain benefits and bonuses provided by the organizers. Their volume will be determined in proportion to the number of BZT tokens.

