How to Track Fee Split Allocations with CoinTracking

Published in
7 min readOct 24, 2017

-- is a new “Crypto-One-Stop-Solution” that offers holders of the COSS token an allocation of 50% of the fees collected from the exchange and payment gateway on a weekly basis. In anticipation of this week’s fee split, I wanted to outline an easy method to track your allocation amounts. is one of the best options for tracking cryptocurrency values and trades. You can enter up to 200 trades/entries with a free account, and if you use the link above you can receive 10% off any future upgrades. If you already happen to have an account, you can use the below method to add to your current holdings, or you can actually create a new account just to track allocations and then link the accounts (more info on this process can be found under Account > Account Settings on the CoinTracking site). takes a snapshot every Sunday (at a specific Ethereum block) of the COSS tokens in your wallet or in an Ethereum wallet of your choosing (info about how to set this up can be found on your dashboard). 50% of all exchange/payment gateway fees are then allocated between all COSS token holders and the details of the fee split are posted to your dashboard about 48 hours later (usually sometime Tuesday). Fees are split in the currency type that were collected (in the case of non-ERC20 coins, you have to convert them to ETH, based on the current market value on Consequently, you end up with a bit of each coin traded on

However, because you end up with a wide variety of coins in your allocations, it is challenging to tell how much each is worth. You could make a custom spreadsheet or calculate values by hand, but this very likely will lead to…

The following steps take a little work, but once you have everything set up, it’s a pretty quick way to track your values.

On your dashboard, you should see tabs for the blocks you have been eligible for.

To begin the process, let’s select the block you want to import and select the coins and amounts as in this example:

Copy this content and then open Excel or your favorite spreadsheet. Paste the content as in this example:

Now let’s add some time stamp information. We want to get the time that the allocation block occurred. We can get this from by searching for the block number:

Let’s copy 2017–10–15 10:56:17 into our Excel sheet under Column E (you can adjust for your timezone first, as this is UTC). Let’s also place ETH under Column C and 0 (zero) under Column D as shown:

Copy this to the other rows:

Save the completed file as an .xlsx and open

Create a new account by clicking Sign Up for Free, filling in the fields as follows, and then clicking Sign Up Now:

Next, select your local currency and language and click Enter your digital coins now >>:

You should now see the Enter Coins page:

From here we want to select Enter Coins > Bulk Imports > Custom Exchange Import from the top menu:

In the resulting page, select Choose File and open the file we saved above. Once the file is checked, you can click Continue to Import:

You should now see a results screen similar to the one below:

We will now have to make a few adjustments as shown below. Set A to Line 1 so all the data is imported (we have no header row in our data). Set B to the columns listed so that the imported data columns are correct. Set C to and the block you are importing (these are optional, but if you add the block number here, you will be able to compare multiple allocations).

To make your life easier, you can save these settings to apply them to future imports:

Your trades should now display as above with no errors. You can scroll down the page and check for errors at the bottom as well:

If everything looks good, scroll back up and click start import

Your coins have been entered! Now click Dashboard.

You now have to recalculate your trades by either clicking the click here to recalculate your trades link at the top, or the Recalculate Trades button in the bottom right (this has to be done any time you add or remove data from CoinTracking).

After a moment your dashboard should now display your imported coins and their current values:

One of my favorite reports on CoinTracking is Realized and Unrealized Gains under Reporting in the top menu:

As you can see below, this displays: The number of coins > their “cost” per unit (in our case, this is the value of the coins when they were allocated) > the current unit price > the change in value since allocation > the total “cost” > the current total value > the gains/losses.

You can also display the values in BTC equivalent value:

Another great summary report is Current Balance:

You can also use the Balance by Exchange page to compare multiple fee splits by selecting Grouped by Trade-Group:

Now that your data has been entered, CoinTracking will update with current prices. They also have an app/widget that’s quick/easy. has a pretty good portfolio as well. Let me know if there are others you like in the comments.

If you have other fee split allocations to enter, you can just repeat the steps above, reusing the Excel file and the import settings, while changing the allocation block.

You may have noticed above that we entered 0 ETH as the sell value for our data. This was really just a placeholder value, as the Custom Exchange process does not currently have a way to specify trade type. If you want to convert the imported trades into Income, you can use Enter Coins > Bulk Edit/Delete > Bulk Edit > Select Trade Type Into: > [In] Income > and then specify the trades you want to convert. Follow the directions carefully and be cautious using this function if you have other trades on your account.

I hope this makes your experience easier and a bit more fun!

For more info: Slack * Subreddit * Official Telegram * Announcements

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

If you found this useful and would like to leave a tip:

ETH/ERC20: 0xe8bF2d8d3F5FBD17db1988914897c399a9CF0562

Update Oct 31, 2017:

Here’s some additional info on how to add Conversion data to from Slack admin Jacobcoss:

If you enter your conversion amounts into CoinTracking, it will record the conversion of non-ERC20 coins into ETH and update your ETH amount in CoinTracking.

Copy from Dashboard Conversion into Excel like this:

Make an import template like this:

