Piero Manzoni — The Non-Conformist Artist Of Dejection

3 min readApr 11, 2018


Piero Manzoni, the artist and the man, was someone peculiar, intense and radical in practicing his art, or even life for that matter. His life and his work, both intensely interesting, remained in a perfect codependency, inextricably bound to one another to say the least. This Italian artist sport an exciting outlook and his art somewhat reminds us to the unbound madness and the untamed passion of Andy Warhol. And that of Beuys, Duchamp and for that matter even Hilna af Klimt. Where did these artist connected to Piero Manzoni is something to wonder about.

They all created art out of self-investigation and experimentation. They literally took it upon themselves. Warhol took a bullet for that and I guess others just dodged by the neck, including Piero Manzoni. Yet it didn’t stop Manzoni from making a shit out of his art or making an art out of his own shit. His series of “Artist’s Shit” produced during the 60s were more than revolutionary. Piero Manzoni’s unique explorations into the ideas of self and the limitations and bodily boundaries can be seen in many of his series of works that focus on the artist’s own breath and blood and even feces. Explore the uniue objects that Piero Manzoni used in his art. Check out Piero Manzoni’s artworks and should you like them enough don’t refrain yourself from buying Piero Manzoni paintings online.

Piero Manzoni also produced a series of artworks with his own breath and titled them, “Artist’s Breath.” And the concept itself became breathtaking. It’s a risk of a different sort when an artist gets prone to experiment on the ideas of the self. And Piero Manzoni sure followed the path revered by all in his clan including the ones named above. When an artist, in this case Piero Manzoni, takes the risks creating a self-invested myth, generally, the repercussions are overwhelming. And that too gets ironical when the artist charms the pathos of a shorter lifespan; he truly gets at par with mythology of some sort. Piero Manzoni knew that and he did his best to attain that stage of irony.

His art was that of a dejected disconsolate man who was blatantly non-conformist in his attitude or art-making. The object he chose for his artworks are flabbergasting and much revolutionizing and that too not only to his own time resonating even now. Piero Manzoni did foresee the times of postmodernist void, he understood the nullification of an image and the reality of existence and thus he created his art with his existence itself. it’s works are the embodiment of his own journey in the realm of art. Explore the works by Piero Manzoni and buy Piero Manzoni’s paintings online.

Piero Manzoni‘s art resided between the heights of modernist anti-aesthetics and the lows of Postmodernist disaffection. This was an apt setting for him and did purely explain and identified his position. At times, it might even seem that he was simultaneously in both ends of the spectrum. While the former culminates into the latter’s herald. Piero Manzoni’s art was attesting to a different form of spirituality beyond the realm of the everyday world, transcended from the reach of the conventions of time.

Piero Manzoni’s art didn’t want to exempt itself from the world rather it offered to contain it drawing a line of boundary around it, at times with his own breath, blood and excrement. Piero Manzoni’s artworks, his astonishing approach to self and the other, to world and the otherworldliness within itself offers us something rare and mythical. Know more about Piero Manzoni’s works, explore his discomforted approach dejected concepts reminiscing life and its various physical quotients can be explored online. Check Piero Manzoni’s artistry and if you like them and want to collect them, buy Piero Manzoni’s paintings online.

