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Education According to Socrates: Sharpening Critical Thinking Abilities

Blu Black
3 min readNov 11, 2023


Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who is considered one of the important figures in the history of Western philosophy. He is known as the father of philosophy, as well as an educator who was persistent in questioning and teaching innovative ideas of his time. One important aspect of Socrates' philosophy is his ideas about education and the ability to think critically.

According to Socrates, the main goal of education is to hone students' critical thinking skills, so that they can develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. This is important because Socrates believed that only through a critical and reflective thought process, one could achieve true truth and wisdom.

In his philosophy teaching, Socrates emphasized the importance of the dialogue method to broaden students' horizons. He often invites his students to discuss and question conventionally accepted ideas. Socrates taught that only through a process of careful dialogue and reflection can students gain a deeper understanding of complex philosophical concepts.

Socrates also introduced the concept of "irony" as a learning method. Irony is a technique in which a teacher acts as if he does not know what he is talking about, while students are expected to give accurate and logical answers. Through irony, Socrates sought to help students develop the ability to think critically and test ideas they considered to be true.

Socrates also emphasized the importance of ethics and morals in education. For him, a successful education is one that not only teaches practical knowledge and skills, but also helps students develop good character. According to him, good students are those who have qualities such as simplicity, honesty and courage.

Socrates' opinions about education and critical thinking skills continue to be relevant today, even in an increasingly complex digital era like today. Nowadays, the ability to think critically is increasingly important to help people face various challenges and complex problems in the modern world.

Education that focuses on developing critical thinking skills can help students understand the complexity of a world that is increasingly developing rapidly. In the increasingly advanced digital era, the ability to evaluate the information received, understand its source, and produce rational conclusions has become very important.

Socrates also emphasized the importance of discussion and dialogue as part of learning. This can be applied in learning in class or outside of class by discussing and exchanging ideas. This kind of discussion can help students to explore different points of view and question ideas that may be considered conventional or commonplace.

In this increasingly sophisticated digital era, students can also use technology to support learning. There are many online platforms and applications that can help students learn various materials more effectively and efficiently. Even so, guidance from a teacher or mentor is still needed in interpreting and understanding the information obtained from this technology.

In addition, it is important for education to integrate technology as an effective and efficient learning tool, but still with supervision from teachers or mentors to help students understand and interpret information obtained from technology. However, it is not only learning critical thinking skills that is the focus of education according to Socrates.

Socrates also emphasized the importance of morality and ethics in education. For him, education should teach correct moral values, and help students to develop virtues such as honesty, modesty, and courage.

Socrates also argued that the main goal of education is to help students know themselves and achieve their best potential. He believed that humans have the ability to achieve true happiness through self-knowledge and moral development.

In practice, education according to Socrates focuses on the dialectical method, namely a learning method that involves dialogue and questions. Socrates used this method to help students develop critical thinking skills, identify truth, and search for meaning in their lives.

At the end of this article, it can be seen that Socrates' thoughts about education are very relevant today, especially in terms of honing critical thinking skills and morality.

Education must be able to help students understand an increasingly complex world, and develop critical and rational thinking skills. Education must also help students to achieve their best potential, develop correct morality and ethics, and know themselves to achieve true happiness.

That’s Blu friend, an educator according to the famous Greek philosopher Socrates. Thank you for taking the time to read here.

