How to Take Care of Your Lips after Getting Lip Augmentation Surgery?

4 min readJul 13, 2023


Lip augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure. It’s relatively easy to do and, since it doesn’t require general anesthesia, it’s also relatively safe. However, many people want more information about how to take care of their lips after having their surgery done for lip augmentation in Harley Street, or elsewhere.

lip augmentation

Not just for this particular treatment, but for several others, like cheek fillers in Harley Street, or anywhere else, you need to be aware of what precautions to take post-surgery. In this article, we’ll talk about the precautions you need to take before and after getting lip injections, as well as what your lips can look like during the recovery period. We’ll also share some tips on how to avoid these types of procedures in the future!

What are the precautions I need to take?

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid hot and spicy foods.
  • Avoid sun exposure to your lips as much as possible, especially in the first few months after surgery. This will help prevent your lips from becoming too dry or chapped and scaly, which can be uncomfortable and unsightly.
  • Do not rub your lips together frequently (e.g., when talking or eating) because this can cause irritation or damage the tissues underneath your skin grafts/implants, resulting in scarring that may impair their appearance over time. Also try not to kiss anyone until you’ve healed completely from lip augmentation surgery; even then, limit any kissing activities so that no one else gets hurt by accidentally getting bitten!

I can’t stop worrying that my lip filler is going to burst. Is there any way to save it?

If you’ve had lip augmentation surgery, your lips will be swollen and sensitive for a few days. It’s normal to worry that your filler could burst if you don’t follow your doctor’s instructions — but there are ways to save it.

If you notice any swelling, bruising or bleeding after the procedure, go back to the clinic where they performed your procedure as soon as possible (and no later than 24 hours). If your lips are painful after surgery — or if they’re still feeling numb even though everything seems fine — it may mean that there was an infection in one of them and it needs medical attention right away!

Will my lips return to normal after a few weeks or months?

It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions and take care of your lips as they heal.

If you have any questions about taking care of your lips after lip augmentation surgery, please don’t hesitate to ask your doctor!

How can I avoid getting lip injections in the future?

  • Always make sure you are getting lip injections from a professional.
  • Don’t be tempted to get cheap or discount lip injections. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
  • Don’t get lip injections if you have a history of allergies. There are many different ingredients used in the making of these products and some people may react negatively to one or more of them, even if they have never had an allergic reaction before (such as redness or swelling).
  • Don’t get lip injections if you have a history of acne; this can make things worse by making your lips look uneven and bumpy after healing has occurred. Ensure that you get acne treatment in Harley Street, or elsewhere, first, and then consult a professional if you can go for lip injections in the near future.
acne treatment

Taking good care of your lips after surgery will help them look good as new when you leave the clinic.

You need to take good care of your lips after surgery. This will help them look good as new when you leave the clinic.

  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine
  • Avoid hot foods and drink
  • Use a lip balm with SPF (sun protection factor) daily

After surgery, avoid licking your lips as much as possible because it can cause sores on them which may delay healing time or even cause scarring if left untreated.


We hope that this article has given you some insight into how to take care of your lips after lip augmentation surgery. Remember that the best way to ensure healthy lips is by taking good care of them every day. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol will help keep them looking great in the long run, while also protecting your overall health. Similarly when you have dermal filler treatments in Harley Street, or elsewhere, consult your professional for what precautions you should take after the surgery.

