Breaking Down Social Gaming, eGaming and eSports

Alchemist Republic
4 min readSep 3, 2019


In breaking down social gaming, eGaming and eSports, we will be taking a look at how these aspects of online gaming have evolved individually. We will also be considering the factors that have enabled them to grow to their present levels. Also, how present day technologies are enhancing the gaming ecosystem and the opportunities that are already being exploited in each sector.

As mentioned above, there are three major aspects of online gaming. Each of these aspects have different characteristics and are motivated by different setups. While social gaming is largely based on interactions between multiple players, eGaming has a lot to do with an individual’s independent gaming behaviour. On the other hand, eSports is motivated by the competitive aspects of gaming.

Now, let us consider the various online gaming aspects individually:

1. Social Gaming

As the name implies, social gaming is the act of participating in an online game based on social platforms. This brand of gaming was made popular by platforms like Facebook. The games are characterised by multiple participants and are turn-based. Social games also require that players have a way of monitoring the actions of other participants.

Games that are classified as social games, despite having the element of competition among players, are considered to be casual games. This is mainly because people who play social games do so at their leisure times and for recreational purposes.

While social gaming started as add ons to social platforms, it has grown into an independent sector of the gaming industry. You can now find companies that offer strictly social gaming services. Some of these include Zynga, Kongregate and Gaia Online.

2. eGaming

Breaking down social gaming, eGaming and eSports, places eGaming as an in-between among the two other aspects of online gaming. This aspect covers individual video games which gamers are engaging in independently. This class of online gaming does not necessarily require multiple participation, neither does it necessarily require a competition against other gamers.

They are played on screens as well, TV or computer screens, and could involve tasks of different forms. Riding on the technology of the internet, eGaming has successfully created a huge market for both gamers, their followers and other associated entities.

Gamers now stream their sessions on video platforms like Youtube and Twitch, where their fans can watch them live. Where competition is introduced, eGaming has proven to be worth the market and the industry. Some well known tournaments and eGaming expos among online gamers include Rage, Icon, Geek and Fest.

3. eSports

When we talk about online gaming, eSports seems to be the biggest representation of the concept. As an industry, it is already worth billions of dollars, and eSports participants are becoming some of the biggest stars and celebrities around.

These days, there are well known and heavily sponsored eSports tournaments that involve competition among individual players or teams. These competitions are in an organized video gaming structure. They compete in the same games that are popular with at-home gamers. However, in this case the setting is more organised with external rules and regulations.

The tournaments around eSports are usually carried out in arenas, with viewing crowds and audiences. Online viewing is also usually enabled for a global coverage. This is the aspect of the industry that has exploded the marketing value of online gaming.

Some of the popular games in eSports that are being played in tournaments include Fortnite, League of Legends, Counter-Strike and Call of Duty.


Online gaming is a concept that is yet to be fully understood by a lot of people. Even many amateur gamers are yet to understand the huge opportunities that are involved in the gaming industry.

The revenue generating in eSports alone has been on the rise for a couple of years now. It has been estimated to be around the $1 billion mark in 2019. Other aspects are also generating value in terms of sales, sponsorships and advertising. Unfortunately, platforms where information about these things are hard to find. Sometimes, if found, the amount of information available to the public is limited as a result of the structure of the platforms.

The new blockchain-based, decentralized Blue Baikal platform is bringing a revolution to the entertainment industry. It is a platform where you can find all the information you need in the gaming and entertainment industry. The platform is decentralized, meaning that contributions and reviews are carried out by participants.

Importantly, the Blue Baikal platform is reward-based as well. For the contributions you make, you will earn money. Therefore, in breaking down social gaming, eGaming and eSports, you can find all the latest information and reviews in the industry on Blue Baikal. While at it, you can also offer your own review and make money for yourself.



Alchemist Republic

Alchemist Republic aims to change the way games are played through NFT + Defi.