Blueberry Joins Chainlink BUILD To Accelerate Adoption of Automated LP Strategies on Uniswap v3

Blueberry & Bloom Protocols
3 min readDec 27, 2022


We’re thrilled to announce that Blueberry is officially joining the Chainlink BUILD Program. As a part of BUILD, we receive enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading oracle services, technical expertise, and community support. This will help accelerate ecosystem growth and the long-term adoption of Blueberry’s automated LP strategies for Uniswap v3. In return, Blueberry will provide network fees and other incentives to Chainlink service providers as part of Chainlink Economics 2.0.

Accelerating Adoption of Automated LP Strategies for Uniswap v3

Blueberry is a Defi protocol that aggregates various leveraged strategies into one account. Launching on Ethereum, the protocol integrates with many of the most popular strategies in the DeFi space alongside its automated Blueberry Vaults. Blueberry vaults leverage rebalancing algorithms and will use Chainlink Automation to create boosted, automated vaults for Uni v3 LPs.

The end goal of the protocol is to offer these mechanisms for all potential on-chain deployments where users may wish to apply leverage.

Ultimately, Blueberry aims to unlock a flexible and novel design space for DeFi strategists that leads to increased capital efficiency and a safer DeFi lending ecosystem.

Learn more at, including details about its formal launch in the first week of the new year.

Why We Joined Chainlink BUILD

Blueberry joined Chainlink BUILD to maximize the security and reliability benefits that Chainlink oracle infrastructure provides. As part of BUILD, we will receive access to new Chainlink product alpha and beta releases, dedicated technical support from the Chainlink ecosystem, and more.

“We’re excited to join Chainlink BUILD, which will help drive the adoption of our automated LP strategies for Uniswap v3. The Chainlink Network underpins the DeFi ecosystem, and its support will help secure and grow our platform. Ultimately, joining Chainlink BUILD will help us provide users with more reliable, secure, and advanced strategies.” — Slater Heil, Blueberry Co-Founder

As part of our commitment to the BUILD program, Blueberry has committed 3.5% of our total token supply to be used as an economic incentive for Chainlink service providers, including stakers. This economic incentive will be made available to Chainlink service providers over time to help Blueberry fully realize the benefits of being part of the Chainlink ecosystem.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform that has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Blueberry

Blueberry unifies the DeFi experience, aggregating and automating top strategies that the space has to offer.

Blueberry supports the full ambit of popular DeFi strategies like Convex, Sushiswap, Balancer, and more alongside bespoke “Blueberry Vaults.” Blueberry Vaults leverage concentrated liquidity AMMs and Chainlink Automation to provide sophisticated liquidity provision strategies at the click of a single button.

Learn more about Blueberry on its official blog, where core concepts are discussed at length:

Keep up with developments on the official community Twitter and Discord.



Blueberry & Bloom Protocols

Blueberrry - DeFi prime brokerage offering the most access to leverage. Bloom - the world's first permissionless stablecoin savings product