How Solar Power Can Reduce Global Warming…

Bluebird Solar
4 min readOct 5, 2019


Global warming is global Warning and it has become a matter of great concern over the past few years. Two key climate change indicators — global surface temperatures and Arctic sea ice extent — have broken numerous records. Global warming is actually the unusually rapid increase in earth’s average surface temperature primarily because of increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We humans have been artificially raising the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at an ever-increasing rate, not only by burning fossil fuels, but also by cutting down carbon-absorbing forests. The rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years as we can see in the GMST graph shown below. Temperatures are certain to go up further.

Global warming can have additional, far-reaching effects on the planet. It can modify rainfall patterns, amplify coastal erosion, lengthen the growing season in some regions, and melt ice caps and glaciers.

Arctic sea ice, the layer of frozen seawater covering much of the Arctic Ocean and neighboring seas, is often referred to as the planet’s air conditioner. Its white surface bounces solar energy back to space, cooling the globe. The sea ice cap changes with the season, growing in the autumn and winter and shrinking in the spring and summer. Its minimum summertime extent, which typically occurs in September, has been decreasing, overall, at a rapid pace since the late 1970s due to rising temperature.

Since we people are causing global warming, so, we can mitigate global warming, provided we act in time. There are several ways to reduce global warming and one of the best ways is to use an alternative source of energy instead of using fuels that produce more carbon dioxide.

The sun is one such alternative and perennial source of renewable energy. With advancing technology solar energy can now be leveraged in various ways, which can diminish our dependency on fossil fuels. This can further mitigate global warming by lowering the emission of greenhouse gases.

Solar Panels are devices used to derive energy from the sun. They absorb the sunlight as a source of energy to generate electricity or heat. Neither they lead to emission of harmful gases nor do they harm the environment in any other way. Solar panels can also help in regulating your monthly budget during economic crises. You can also store solar energy for future use with the help of battery. Many people all over the world have started using this natural form of energy to supply electricity to their homes. In order to prevent global warming you should install a solar power system at your home or office. You can either go for a rooftop solar power solution or ground mounted solar power solution depending on availability of space. Solar power system can save your expenses on electricity bills. You can also make money through net metering by selling back the excess electricity generated by your solar power system to the grid.

Now let us see how using solar energy can mitigate climatic changes.


Our traditional energy sources like coal and natural gas are leading contributors to global warming and decreased air quality. In contrast, solar energy is very simple and clean. Solar panels can be erected anywhere — on a parcel of land, carports, rooftops, the wings of a plane, cars and with advances in technology, they will even replace windowpanes. Where there is sunlight and space, solar energy is accessible. Solar panels do not produce greenhouse gasses while generating electricity as produced by using fuels like coal and natural gas. Most of our energy comes from burning fossil fuels, a process that emits carbon dioxide.


Do you know that thermoelectric power plants, Nuclear plants etc. require vast amounts of water to facilitate their vital cooling requirements that ranges anywhere from 150 to 50,000 gallons of water during a plant’s operational phase. Hydroelectric power plants can disrupt river ecosystems both upstream and downstream from the dam. In addition to this both coal mining and natural gas drilling can pollute sources of drinking water effecting public health.

On other hand Solar PV modules do not rely on water to generate electricity. So, their operation does not strain local supplies through the competition with agriculture, drinking systems, and other vital water needs. Therefore, choose solar power to reduce water pollution and improve river ecosystems.


In the wake of increasing concern over climate change, clean and renewable energy is seen as the wave of the future. The Sun is the source of abundant energy, which is clean, renewable and inexhaustible. In addition to power generation solar energy can also be used to heat water, run your vehicles etc. Switching to solar today is the best way to hedge against the reality of depleting finite fuel resources. It will not only help you save money, but it will also benefit the environment. So, choose to go solar today and let the sun play its role in reduce global warming.



Bluebird Solar

Bluebird Solar is one of the best solar PV Module manufacturer, rooftop solar power system installer, Solar EPC service provider