An Open Letter From God

Blue Fences
3 min readFeb 9, 2019


“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days.. scoffers, walking after their own lust, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?… Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith… But the God of all grace.. after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle you”.

Dear Child,

At a time when the finish line is on the horizon. When stars are closer. When the clouds are lower. When the first sin… that of a bitten Apple.. has made its way into the palm of every nation’s hand- decoratively, on the backs of technology… It’s no surprise that your faith is in free fall.

My dear child…

Have I implied that this would be easy?

My message, left for you, details all the ways in which your character will be tried. Tested. Stretched. Even Manipulated. My message has outlined every struggle. Have you ever wondered why?

Because I know.

Have my warnings gone unnoticed?…

Yes, you are being tempted to break… but don’t you remember I built you to bend? Gave you My Word to recover? A world of My very own when its over?

My love… as your heart grows heavy and weighs you down.. Oh, the effort it will take to keep holding on… Expecting me to lift you now, yet you still hold on to a lifetime of doubt?

Lighten yourself.

You cannot hold on to what you don’t believe is there. And if you only believe in what you can see.. then most of your life isn’t real.

I am love.

I am light.

I am air.

I am life.

And I do not change. I do not hide.

You do.

This is not a one-step process.

Our relationship lives in your grip. I cannot keep your grip for you. You must maintain it. You must tighten it. You must protect it. It is constant. Every day. Every minute. Every second. Rains of regret? Hold. Winds of worry? Hold. Snows of struggle? Hold. Heat of hatred? Hold. Chills of challenge? Hold.


I gave you me in flesh and bone. I walked this earth through the same tribulations you face. Have you ever wondered why?

I gave you an example. Showed you it is possible. No, it was not easy… not even for me.. but it is possible. Believe.

Where am I? You ask of me to inform you of my presence.. as if the air you breathe has not been filtered from the breeze in my own lungs… Do not look for me within a situation. Look for me beyond it, and I’ll pull you through it… I will always be within your reach… but it is your choice to hold on or let go..

I am here. Now. And after. I will be there.

My dear Child..

Believe. Despite everything…

You know.

For Cyndi Rooney

