7 Health Benefits of Oyster You Must Know

Michael Allen
3 min readNov 24, 2016

Oysters have multiple benefits due to which these are recommended by nutritionists. They are rich in iodine, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B12, selenium and potassium. Along with this, it also contains a level of calcium and sodium. Having so many nutrients, this seafood builds the overall health of an individual. This is why it is served in many restaurants in downtown Denver, Lakewood, Aurora and others.

Eating oyster helps reduce weight loss, gain metabolism, increases tissue growth and controls blood pressure. Here are some more benefits –

Works as Brain Food

It increases brain functioning as it is rich in omega 3 fats, zinc and iron. Both, iron and zinc are key nutrients that help to maintain proper working of the brain. Omega 3 fat is responsible for its overall functioning.

Strengthens Bone

Being a good source of iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium, it helps to strengthen the bones and protects from various diseases.

Provides Healthy Circulation of Blood

Iron is the key component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to the blood cells. Being a great source of iron, oyster helps in smooth circulation of the blood.

Very few people are aware of the fact that it cleans the water, offering healthy marine life. With all these benefits, restaurants in downtown Denver prefer to add oyster to their main course.

Helps in Weight Loss

This seafood is best for weight loss. It has proteins, is low in fats and calories that help in reducing weight. It boosts the metabolism, as it is high in proteins, which is required to shift the excess weight.

Improves Immunity

It fights extremely well with harmful microbes and infections, giving a healthy body. It is high in zinc, which helps heal wounds faster and promotes the overall development of the body. Moreover, consumption of zinc is essential for children as it is responsible for promoting better development in the body.

Boosts Energy

Oyster is the best when it comes to increasing energy level. It contains vitamin B 12 that helps to break down carbohydrates, releasing energy in the body. To reduce the effects of water-soluble that are present in it, try to refresh your body throughout the day.

Reduces Cholesterol

If you have a risk of heart attack or stroke, start eating oysters. These are high in High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) known as good cholesterol and lower in Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), which is bad cholesterol.

Having enormous benefits of oyster, people tend to include it in their daily food. As they have some magnificent effect on the body, health experts suggest this famous seafood must be included in your daily meal. Whether you visit Denver restaurants downtown or restaurants at any other place in the USA, you can enjoy luscious oysters dishes, anytime. This seafood has tasty as well as healthy. Stay healthy and enjoy life!

