Manage Multiple Clinics More Effectively, Efficiently, Creatively

BlueJay Mobile Health
2 min readNov 13, 2019

Problem. The logistics of managing multiple offices — especially for practitioners who have patients in more than one location — are typically time-consuming due to travel and scheduling as well as relatively inflexible since time/location changes are not easily accommodated. Additionally, the back-end patient care logistics of managing records and progress can be complex, especially when multiple technology services need to be aligned to give a complete picture of a patient’s circumstances.

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Solution. Be in multiple places at once — online.
BlueJay’s capabilities enable routine in-office functions to be just as easy to across multiple office locations, such as

· Holding care team meetings, client consultations, and multi-person collaborations to determine the best course of action are easy because people can simply dial into an online video-conference

· Managing client progress records is timely, and available across all offices the moment comments and data are entered

· Understand how the practice is doing financially and in terms of other goals is easier to see and explain using BlueJay services

· Of course, much time is saved as well as greater accuracy and shared-oversight is possible by having online capabilities — with appropriate privacy and permissions of course

Impact. Run your PT business better, smarter, more effectively and more easily

1. Multi-location logistics become streamlined for higher-quality operations

2. Patients experience a consistent and trusted engagement with your services at every location

3. Collaborative capabilities magnify the abilities of your clinics to provide extra value and non-routine services by accessing the capabilities within your entire business and network

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BlueJay Mobile Health

We enable continuum of care through advanced technologies to improve patient’s health.