Here’s How to Grow Your Podcast Organically

Blue Light Media
4 min readSep 11, 2018

Starting your podcast is a big step, and now it’s time to help it grow. Organic growth is a challenge for podcasters, but it’s not impossible. These are some of our favorite tips to help your podcast reach beyond your immediate network.

Working to increase your podcast’s organic reach isn’t a magic formula. It’s a series of specific steps and consistent work that will pay off in the long-term.

1. Submit Your Podcast to More Than Just iTunes

iTunes may be one of the most common podcast apps available, but make sure your podcast is on as many platforms as possible — not to mention Android-friendly. By submitting your podcast’s RSS feed to as many platforms as possible, you can help ensure your podcast gets as much reach as possible.

It’s also easy and only takes about ten minutes for each (If that!).

Some other platforms include:

  • Stitcher
  • Google Podcasts
  • Spotify
  • Spreaker
  • Overcast
  • Podbean

A note on Spotify: When they first launched the podcast feature on the platform, there wasn’t a clear way to submit a podcast, and it seemed to be relegated to the large network shows. However, now that they’ve opened up the platform to all shows, we definitely recommend submitting your show for approval, which can take anywhere from 2–5 days.

Uploading your episodes to Spotify can help boost your organic reach because of the platform’s extensive music-focused user base.

2. Create a Video for YouTube to Support SEO & Overall Awareness

Creating a video for YouTube increases the number of platforms your podcast is on, which can help with SEO and overall awareness. This is ideal if you have guests on your show because you can film the interaction.

If you don’t film while you record, you can use an app like Headliner to create a video with your audio and cover art. This may not be the most visually interesting option, but it’s a helpful workaround if needed. Many people listen to YouTube videos while working or cleaning, and posting your episodes means these users can add your podcast to their playlist.

3. Have Guests on Your Show

Guests are one of the best ways to increase your organic reach. People enjoy sharing their story and what they’re working on, and they’re highly likely to share the episode on their own channels. This introduces their followers to your show, helping you gain new listeners.

On the flip side, you don’t need guests on every episode to have a successful show. A number of shows including Stuff You Should Know, Startup, and Reply All have great reach without regular guests. Featuring occasional guests allows you to have some of the benefits without completely changing your show. Consider having one every month, twice a season, or other timing option that works for you.

4. Increase the Number of Reviews (The Right Way)

The more reviews you have, the more likely you are to get on the front page of a podcast platform. These reviews show that people are listening, enjoying what you share, and are looking for more.

While some hosts may get shy about asking for reviews, we definitely recommend adding it to every or every other episode. You want to remind listeners that reviews are available; many enjoy listening but wouldn’t think of leaving a review.

It’s also not wrong to ask, as long as you do it the right way. For example, Apple’s guidelines state that you can ask for reviews throughout the listening experience. Many podcasts do this at the beginning or end of an episode.

It’s important to note that you can’t pay for reviews or otherwise incentivize listeners to leave a review. When you’re posting great content, you won’t need to!

When you’re posting great content, listeners will organically give reviews.

Bonus: Optimize Your Artwork

With the ever-growing number of podcasts currently on these platforms, it’s essential to create the right artwork. Make it eye-catching, and consider using your photo for visual recognition. It’s also been shown that cover art with people typically perform better.

Keep it clean and match the vibe of your show. The better you portray the type of show you have, the more likely you are to find the engaged listeners you crave.

Working to increase your podcast’s organic reach isn’t a magic formula. It’s a series of specific steps and consistent work that will pay off in the long-term. We encourage you to invest the time now by adding your RSS feed to multiple platforms, utilizing YouTube, featuring guests, and encouraging reviews to help grow not just your podcast, but your platform.



Blue Light Media

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