Coronavirus China Lies

jeremy young
4 min readMar 20, 2020

Yesterday the Right-Wing talk-show guys were getting excited about Chloroquine as a cure for Coronavirus.

Indeed lots of people have got very excited about their scoop.

That’s Your Lungs That Is…

There is only one problem, the Chloroquine story is not new. Mike Pompeo announced aid flights to China, from the US, on the 4th and the 7th of Feb, and various types of chloroquine were on those flights.

Something else that has been dragged up from the depths, is a tweet by WHO, from Jan 14th.…

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China

When this is combined with reports that Chinese authorities knew of the dangers of the virus in late December, and ordered the research to stop and the samples destroyed, it becomes clear why it is again racist to call it the ‘China Virus’…. and why the usual suspects are happy to play along.

It may, or may not, also throw some light on the mysterious affair of why early lab reports indicated it was a bio-weapon. Only for those reports to be pulledand in one case the lab shut down

While you quarantine at home, due to funky bats or pangolins, it is worth considering why the Chinese are insisting a) the

