Coronavirus: Under 40’s Most At Risk

jeremy young
3 min readMar 8, 2020

Some good news at last, masturbation fights Coronavirus.

And while you clean upor if you are Benjamin Netanyahu, get an army of children to clean up for you… we will move onto the EU.

Venue Closed

Oh wait… is the Vatican in the EU?… who cares…. because having said the Pope does not have coronavirus, it seems he does.

Elsewhere in Italy 16 million people are about to be placed in quarantine; including Milan. The move comes as the the death toll rose to 197, with 49 people dying in a single day. According to an Italian doctor the age of those infected ranges from 46–83, with only a small number having substantial underlying medical conditions.

Ok boomer, you say… and indeed there are plenty who do… but if you are relying on those ‘approved Chinese figures’ of Feb 10th, you might want to question how they were collected, and why they look like standard flu statistics.

Of course questions are verboten, certainly you are not to question WHO.

Thus we reach a paradox.

For the same people ‘not worried’ by the boomer zombie apocalypse, are the people who absolutely refuse to believe Orange Man Bad when he says that the warm winds of April will blow away theermflu. And, will cry out like Canute at the lack of healthcare provision.

