Iran Problematic for Democrats

jeremy young
3 min readJan 13, 2020

Nancy Pelosi has been talking about the situation in Iran on ABC news.

The reaction to her comments is interesting. But to fully understand what she is talking about I recommend taking some of these patent medicine Pelosi pills. Oh don’t worry they are quite harmless (and marvellous for the skin). According to the bottle they are mainly amphetamine, to be taken with just the right amount of vintage Bayer ‘non-addictive’ cough syrup.


Ms Pelosi, perhaps as a result of old age, does have a rather unfortunate way of speaking. So when she says, “well the regime… the protestors are… at… protesting, as I understand it, *points finger* this brand of protestors, about the fact that the plane went down. And many students were on the plane, and these are largely students on the street. *scratches septum* Um…” what people hear as her dismissing the protests. And no doubt some will notice the reference to ‘brand of protest’ and interpret it as her saying that this is not a certified George Soros Colour Revolution: (favoured by the Democrats); and therefore illegitimate.

However twice she raises the legitimate question of why the plane was allowed to fly at a time when Iran was attacking the airbases in Iraq.

There is a rumour that the ‘students’ on the plane were actually nuclear scientists who, fearful the US was going to…

