Keeping Your CV in Order

jeremy young
3 min readMar 23, 2020

The problem with school, is they only tell you the good bits.

Right, let’s see if that gets around the censorship.

People have literally gone nuts.

Take Laura Perrins, the proprietor of the Conservative Woman website, she has taken to Twitter to call Boris Johnson a ‘dictator’, and to rage about ‘collective punishment’, because at his daily press conference Mr Johnson said that the government was considering a L-D.

As a humble satyr, who has been following events (links), and know people who work in medicine who have made arrangements for what happens to their children should they not come home from work (because they are in forced Q), one wonders what Ms Perrins thinks is happening.

Or indeed what she conceives a dictator is.

Especially when Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, said that such eventualities were being considered, as far back as Feb 10th.

Another piece of nuttiness is the claim that people do not have information, or don’t know what to do.

That this comes from journalists, a ‘profession’ that have spent the past two months deliberately misinforming people, and treating the whole thing like a joke (as was the case when every news crew in London took the train to Brighton, so they could ‘report’ from the scene

