Laurence Fox… Witchfinder General

jeremy young
3 min readJan 18, 2020

Last night, actor, Laurence Fox committed the gravest of all deadly sins: he made a woman look daft in public.

The women in question is Rachel C Boyle.

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The incident occurred on Question Time when Mr Fox refused to allow Ms Boyle to use her female privilege. Instead of shutting up, when accused of using ‘white male privilege’ and just accepting the sociological zeitgeist of whichever guilt-trip he should be apologizing for today. Mr Fox took the opportunity to point out that his being ‘white’ (I would say and male, but men aren’t as nutty about sex/gender as women) is an immutable characteristic, (making allowance for suntans of course) and that Ms Rachel C Boyle is a racist for using his skin colour in an attempt to belittle him, and dismiss his point-of-view.

But Ms Boyle wasn’t to be stopped. And took to Twitter to bring the full weight of her privilege to bear.

Fell out with @LozzaFox (not arsed), upset a (majority white) audience (not arsed) but called the treatment of Meghan Markle what it is- ‘racism’. Thank you to @bbcquestiontime for having me #meghanmarkle #questiontime #antiracism #callitbyitsname

Now, just to unpack this (a little), (and in the spirit of fairness), her argument is that the treatment of Meghan Sparkle is racism. That she chooses to emphasis the ‘whiteness’…

