What Makes an Outstanding Contact Center Staff?

Blueprint Business Solutions Corp
4 min readApr 11, 2018


The call center model transitioned from a typical email response service to a serious multipurpose industry. This paradigm shift encompasses various customer relations including technical support, customer care, financial services, travel assistance, and business-to-business support. The corporate sector became an intermediate avenue for many job seekers, especially for graduates who are proficient with technology and language. These people are hired as contact center staff who are further trained in the scope of sales negation and customer support.

The Professional Affiliation of Contact Center Staff

The technological boom is widely maximized by corporate leaders nowadays. Computer application proficiency like knowledge in CRM became an advantage for many job hunters to penetrate the call center industry. Along with this expertise, soft skills are integrated to create oneself as a tool to becoming an efficient contact center staff.

Call center agents perform a myriad number of demanding tasks from providing series of solutions to inquiring updates to customers through outbound/inbound calls or email. They served as the corporate catalyst entrusted to uphold strong work ethics in handling customers and clients. For your benefit, we sized up the best attributes every contact center staff should advocate for superior customer experience.

1. Confidence on Fleek — Grace under pressure! Building confidence can be a turbulent experience for any person. To keep the thing right, one must be well-composed and effectively handle strenuous situations. Moreover, exercising confidence can lead to productive interaction and positive disposition for both agent and the customer. You don’t have to channel a Kylie-Jenner-esque just to showcase confidence in dealing with inquiries. All you have to do is to be true to yourself, unleash quick wit, speak clearly and provide the solution.

2. Profound Knowledge — Everyone can acquire knowledge through context reading or training. However, stock knowledge is somehow not enough to resolve an issue. The staff’s goal is to provide ample amount of information to support customer inquiries. Communication skill is the key yet product walkthrough is an imperative aspect to satisfy the customers. CRM and other related software knowledge, solid company information, and common sense must come as provision for proper troubleshooting. Ultimately, keeping the thinking hats on can help knowledge retention.

3. Communication Skills — I mentioned in the latter point about communication being the key; which is absolutely correct. An efficient contact center staff can provide clear answers in a professional and approachable demeanor. Strong grasp of English vocabulary is definitely an asset however one must be able to articulate messages in a conversational approach to delivering a clear message. By the same token, skilled agents must be active listeners to digest information quickly and provide an utmost solution. During the actual conversation, cut to the chase and wear your best language along with proper etiquette hereafter.

4. Prolific Problem-Solving — Workable solutions don’t always come from scripts and upbeat spills. The challenge is on! Solutions must be provided strategically using flexible yet personal solutions model and this is the time where you have to think critically. Every inquiry has its own loopholes and it’s your responsibility to solve the issue independently without escalating it to the higher rank. Subsequent inevitable problems may arise and one must be fully equipped to ensure decisive customer experience.

5. Pageant the Passion — Demonstrating exceptional competence can be done if the passion to execute is fueled. Working sometimes can be dreadful; roadblocks and customer strains are exasperating. If the contact center staff delivers his heart on a silver plate, tasks can be easier and pleasant. Therefore, the ability to empathize equates to passion which can help you get through the work dilemma. Having strong rapport can also maximize your skills set and deliver surefire results benefitting your company brand.

6. Absolute Organization — Operating as a contact center staff can be a chaotic working cubicle and desktop. During client and customer service exchanges, staff must be flexible and organized to perform timely and flawlessly. Navigating various buttons and windows must be efficient to keep the juggling smooth and productive. On the other hand, having an organized station also contributes to tranquility for mental state and helps boost positive mood for a better grind.

The day in a life of a contact center staff is not a rocket science. Operation can be grueling at some point, but if you uphold the above-mentioned traits earnestly, productivity and nonchalance will manifest. Providing quality service has always been the top priority of every call center company. If you adhere to these characteristics and decided to work an extra mile on your pursuit, well, definitely you will achieve remarkable client or customer boost.

Originally published at www.blueprintbusinesssolutionscorp.com on April 11, 2018.



Blueprint Business Solutions Corp

Blueprint Business Solutions is an innovative staffing solutions provider situated in the business district of Mactan Island, Philippines.