Snap Elections: What Voters Need to Know

kristan vihaan
8 min readJun 15, 2024



Snap elections can be both exciting and confusing for voters. Unlike regular elections that follow a set schedule, snap elections are called unexpectedly, often catching both politicians and the public off guard. Understanding the basics and implications of snap elections is crucial for making informed voting decisions. Here’s what you need to know about snap elections.

How Do Snap Elections Work?

Snap elections are elections that are called earlier than expected or scheduled. They typically occur in parliamentary systems and can be initiated for various strategic, political, or situational reasons. Here’s how snap elections work:

  1. Initiation:
  • By the Prime Minister or President: In many parliamentary systems, the Prime Minister has the power to request a dissolution of parliament from the head of state (e.g., a monarch or president). If approved, this leads to a snap election.
  • Vote of No Confidence: If the government loses a vote of no confidence in parliament, it may result in a snap election.
  • Legal or Constitutional Provisions: Some countries have specific provisions allowing for snap elections under certain circumstances, such as political deadlock.
  1. Dissolution of Parliament:
  • Official Dissolution: Once the head of state agrees to the dissolution, the current parliament is officially dissolved.
  • Announcement: An official announcement is made, stating the date of the election and the dissolution of the current parliament.
  1. Election Campaign:
  • Campaign Period: Political parties and candidates engage in a condensed campaign period, which is often shorter than regular election campaigns.
  • Election Preparation: Election commissions or relevant authorities must quickly organize the logistics, such as preparing polling stations, ensuring voter lists are updated, and arranging for ballot papers.
  1. Voter Preparation:
  • Awareness Campaigns: Authorities and civil organizations may run campaigns to inform the public about the upcoming election, ensuring voters know when and how to vote.
  • Voter Registration: Voters need to verify their registration status and make any necessary updates within the short timeframe.
  1. Voting:
  • Election Day: On the specified date, voters cast their ballots. This can take place through various methods, including in-person voting at polling stations, mail-in ballots, or early voting, depending on the country’s election laws.
  1. Counting and Results:
  • Vote Counting: After the polls close, votes are counted. This process is often monitored to ensure transparency and accuracy.
  • Announcement of Results: The results are announced, and the winning candidates or parties take their positions in the new parliament.
  1. Formation of Government:
  • New Government: Depending on the election results, a new government is formed. This could involve coalition negotiations if no single party has an outright majority.
  • Swearing-In: Newly elected members of parliament are sworn in, and the government begins its term.

Reasons for Snap Elections:

  1. Political Strategy: The ruling party may call a snap election when it is particularly popular, hoping to gain more seats.
  2. Crisis or Emergency: Situations like economic crises, national emergencies, or major scandals might prompt snap elections.
  3. Legislative Deadlock: When the parliament is unable to pass significant legislation due to deadlock, a snap election can be called to resolve the impasse.


  • UK General Elections: The Prime Minister can request the monarch to dissolve Parliament, leading to a snap election.
  • Japanese General Elections: The Prime Minister can dissolve the House of Representatives and call for a snap election.

Overall, snap elections are a mechanism to address urgent political needs, but they require efficient and rapid preparation by both authorities and voters to ensure a fair and transparent process.

How do snap elections affect voter turnout?

Snap elections can have a significant impact on voter turnout, often resulting in various challenges and changes compared to regularly scheduled elections. Here are some ways in which snap elections affect voter turnout:


  • Shorter Preparation Time:
  • Voter Awareness: With less time to prepare, some voters might not be fully aware of the election date or the issues at stake.
  • Candidate Visibility: Candidates and parties may have less time to campaign and reach voters, potentially affecting voter engagement.
  • Voter Confusion:
  • Unexpected Timing: The unexpected timing of snap elections can lead to confusion and may catch some voters off guard, reducing turnout.
  • Information Gaps: Limited time for public information campaigns can leave voters less informed about how, when, and where to vote.
  • Logistical Challenges:
  • Election Administration: Election officials may have less time to organize polling stations, recruit staff, and ensure everything runs smoothly, potentially leading to inefficiencies or difficulties that deter voters.
  • Voter Accessibility: Voters might face difficulties in arranging time off work or other commitments on short notice, impacting their ability to vote.
  • Political Engagement
  • Motivation: The urgency and heightened political activity around snap elections can either mobilize voters who feel the election is crucial or deter those who feel overwhelmed by the suddenness.
  • Campaign Effectiveness: Parties with better resources and organizational capabilities might mobilize their voter base more effectively, influencing turnout.
  • Voter Fatigue:
  • Election Frequency: If snap elections are called frequently, voter fatigue can set in, leading to decreased turnout as people become disillusioned or tired of the political process.
  • Demographic Impact:
  • Age and Mobility: Younger voters and those with more flexible schedules might adapt better to snap elections, whereas older or less mobile voters could face more significant barriers.
  • Urban vs. Rural: Urban voters, who often have better access to polling stations and information, might be less affected compared to rural voters.

How should voters prepare for snap elections?

Voters can prepare for snap elections by taking the following steps:

  • Stay Informed:
  • Understand the Issues: Keep up with current events and understand the major issues at stake.
  • Research Candidates: Learn about the candidates’ backgrounds, policies, and track records.
  • Read Party Manifestos: Review the manifestos of political parties to understand their platforms.
  • Verify Voting Information:
  • Check Registration: Ensure you are registered to vote. Check deadlines and processes for registration.
  • Know the Voting Process: Familiarize yourself with how to vote in your area, whether it’s in-person, by mail, or through early voting.
  • Prepare Documentation:
  • ID Requirements: Make sure you have the necessary identification required to vote.
  • Proof of Address: If required, ensure you have a valid proof of address.
  • Plan Your Vote:
  • Polling Locations: Know the location of your polling station and its operating hours.
  • Vote Early if Possible: Consider early voting options to avoid crowds and last-minute issues.
  • Engage in Discussions:
  • Discuss with Others: Engage in discussions with friends, family, and community members to hear different perspectives.
  • Attend Debates: If possible, attend or watch debates to get a better understanding of the candidates’ positions.
  • Stay Organized:
  • Set Reminders: Set reminders for important dates related to the election, such as registration deadlines and the election date.
  • Gather Necessary Materials: Prepare any materials you might need for voting day, such as voter guides or notes on candidates and issues.
  • Health and Safety:
  • Follow COVID-19 Guidelines: If the election is taking place during a pandemic, follow health guidelines to stay safe.
  • Bring Sanitizer and Mask: Carry hand sanitizer and a mask if voting in person.

By taking these steps, voters can ensure they are well-prepared to participate in snap elections and make informed decisions.

What are the pros and cons of snap elections?

Snap elections can have significant implications for a country’s political landscape. Here are some of the key pros and cons:



Flexibility and Responsiveness:

  • Addressing Crises: Snap elections can be called to address urgent national crises, ensuring that the government has the necessary mandate and support to act decisively.
  • Resolving Deadlocks: They can break parliamentary deadlocks, allowing for a fresh start and potentially smoother legislative processes.

Political Strategy:

  • Capitalizing on Popularity: Ruling parties can call snap elections during periods of high popularity to strengthen their mandate and secure more seats in parliament.
  • Weak Opposition: If the opposition is fragmented or weak, the ruling party might call a snap election to take advantage of the situation.

Public Engagement:

  • Renewed Mandate: Snap elections can reinvigorate public engagement and provide a renewed mandate for the government to pursue its policies.
  • Democratic Process: They can be a means of reaffirming democratic processes by allowing the electorate to have a say on significant issues or changes in leadership.


Voter Confusion and Fatigue:

  • Unprepared Electorate: Voters may be caught off guard by the sudden election, leading to lower awareness and turnout.
  • Frequent Elections: If snap elections occur too frequently, voter fatigue can set in, reducing public participation and trust in the electoral process.

Logistical Challenges:

  • Election Administration: Organizing an election on short notice can strain electoral bodies, potentially leading to logistical issues and administrative errors.
  • Campaign Readiness: Short campaign periods may disadvantage smaller parties and independent candidates who lack the resources for rapid mobilization.
  • Political Instability:
  • Uncertain Outcomes: The unpredictability of snap elections can lead to political instability, especially if the results are close or inconclusive.
  • Potential Backfire: The ruling party’s strategy can backfire if the electorate perceives the snap election as manipulative or unnecessary, leading to a loss of support.

Economic Impact:

  • Market Uncertainty: The uncertainty surrounding snap elections can negatively impact financial markets and economic stability, as businesses and investors prefer predictable political environments.
  • Policy Disruption: Ongoing policy initiatives may be disrupted, leading to delays in implementation and potential economic consequences.

Examples of Impact:

  • United Kingdom (2017): Prime Minister Theresa May called a snap election to strengthen her position for Brexit negotiations, but the result was a hung parliament, leading to political instability and a weakened negotiating position.
  • Canada (2021): Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sought a majority government during the pandemic. Although he won the election, he ended up with another minority government, raising questions about the necessity and timing of the snap election.

while snap elections can offer strategic advantages and a means to address urgent issues, they also come with significant risks and challenges. The outcomes can be highly unpredictable, affecting political stability, voter engagement, and overall public trust in the political process.


Snap elections can be a whirlwind, but with proper preparation, voters can navigate them effectively. By staying informed and understanding the implications of snap elections, you can make a confident and informed choice at the polls. Remember, your vote is your voice — make it count, even in a snap!


  1. Understanding Snap Elections and Their Implications

Historical Context and Examples of Snap Elections

Voter Behavior and Turnout in Snap Elections

  • Pew Research: Voter Turnout and Behavior in Snap Elections

